Ultimate War

From Ultimarvel

Ultimate War is a crossover event chronicling a conflict between the X-Men and the Ultimates. This event occurs between Ultimate X-Men 25 and 26 and at the same time as The Ultimates 8. The conflict is caused by the discovery by the U.S. Government that Magneto is still alive when previously thought to have been killed by Professor X. This causes S.H.I.E.L.D. to jump to the conclusion that Xavier created the illusion of Magneto's death because he was secretly aiding the Brotherhood of Mutants and is sympathetic to Magneto's cause. The X-Men go into hiding to escape the inevitable retaliation by the government, which further reinforces the belief that the X-Men are dangerous to humankind. The Ultimates are dispatched to neutralize the X-Men threat and to bring Magneto to justice.

[edit] Issue Outlines

Ultimate War 1

Ultimate War 2

Ultimate War 3

Ultimate War 4

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