30 August 1938
From Uktvschedules
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BBC Television
Source: Radio Times August 26, 1938.
- 11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
- 12.00 In The Garden
- (Details as Monday, 12.00)
- 12.15-13.00 'Come And Be Televised'
- (Details as Monday, 12.15)
- 14.30 'Sulphured Plums And Potted Damsons'
- A seasonable cookery demonstration by Mrs. Arthur Webb
- 14.40 The Zoo
- (Details as Monday, 14.30)
- 15.10 Coffee Stall
- A light entertainment with Ernest Jay as the Coffee-Stall Keeper. The customers will include: S. E. Reynolds, Norah Blakemore, Josh Cairns, Eric Lacey. Presentation by Eric Crozier
- 15.30-16.00 'Cabaret Cruise'
- (Fancy-Dress Dance): Sound and Vision No. 10 (Details as Monday, 18.30)
- 16.30 The Zoo
- (Details as Monday, 14.30)
- 17.00 Film
- Cicely Cortneidge in Aunt Sally
- 18.30 'Queue For Song'
- (Details as Monday, 15.30)
- 19.00 Forecast Of Fashion
- (Details as Monday, 19.00)
- 19.15-19.30 Films
- Tawny Owl and British Movietonews
- 20.30 'Cabaret Cruise'
- (Details as Monday, 18.30)
- 21.00 News Film
- Gaumont-British News
- 21.10 Alfredo And His Gypsy Orchestra
- (by permission of Exhibition, Promoters, Olympia, Ltd.). With Claude Cavalotti, Rex Rogers, Jack Mitchell. Direct from Radiolympia
- 21.40 'Brigade - Exchange'
- by Ernst Johannsen, English version by I. D. Benzie. With J. Leslie Frith, Philip Cunningham, Campbell Logan, Brian Oulton, Ronald Shiner, Charles Lefeaux. Production by George More O'Ferrall
- 22.15 Interval Music
- 22.25-22.45 News Bulletin