30 August 1938

From Uktvschedules

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times August 26, 1938.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
12.00 In The Garden 
(Details as Monday, 12.00)
12.15-13.00 'Come And Be Televised' 
(Details as Monday, 12.15)
14.30 'Sulphured Plums And Potted Damsons'
A seasonable cookery demonstration by Mrs. Arthur Webb
14.40 The Zoo 
(Details as Monday, 14.30)
15.10 Coffee Stall
A light entertainment with Ernest Jay as the Coffee-Stall Keeper. The customers will include: S. E. Reynolds, Norah Blakemore, Josh Cairns, Eric Lacey. Presentation by Eric Crozier
15.30-16.00 'Cabaret Cruise' 
(Fancy-Dress Dance): Sound and Vision No. 10 (Details as Monday, 18.30)
16.30 The Zoo 
(Details as Monday, 14.30)
17.00 Film 
Cicely Cortneidge in Aunt Sally
18.30 'Queue For Song'
(Details as Monday, 15.30)
19.00 Forecast Of Fashion
(Details as Monday, 19.00)
19.15-19.30 Films 
Tawny Owl and British Movietonews
20.30 'Cabaret Cruise' 
(Details as Monday, 18.30)
21.00 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
21.10 Alfredo And His Gypsy Orchestra 
(by permission of Exhibition, Promoters, Olympia, Ltd.). With Claude Cavalotti, Rex Rogers, Jack Mitchell. Direct from Radiolympia
21.40 'Brigade - Exchange' 
by Ernst Johannsen, English version by I. D. Benzie. With J. Leslie Frith, Philip Cunningham, Campbell Logan, Brian Oulton, Ronald Shiner, Charles Lefeaux. Production by George More O'Ferrall
22.15 Interval Music
22.25-22.45 News Bulletin
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