22 June 1938
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BBC Television
Source: Radio Times June 17, 1938.
- 11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
- 15.00-16.15 'Badger's Green'
- a comedy by R. C. Sherriff, with Louis Goodrich, J. Sebastian Smith, Thorley Waters, Richard Fleury, Maurice Denham, Betty Jardine. Production by Eric Crozier
- 21.00 Yours Faithfully
- Marcella Salzer in a one-woman entertainment. Production by Moultrie R. Kelsall
- 21.10 News Film
- British Movietonews
- 21.20 'A Hundred Years Old'
- (Details as Sunday, 21.20)
- 22.30-22.50 News Bulletin
- A recording of the Third News from the National programme