22 January 1938

From Uktvschedules

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times January 14, 1938.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00 Puppets
The John Carr Jacquard Puppets
15.10 Starlight
Nat Gonella and his Georgians
15.20 News Film 
British Movietonews
15.30-16.00 Comedy Cabaret 
Arthur Prince and 'Jim', The Nesbitt Brothers, Molly Fisher, Harry Reso, The Music Hall Boys. Presentation by Harry Pringle
21.00 Cabaret Cartoons, No. 12 
Cartoons by Harry Rutherford. Presentation by Cecil Madden
21.30 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
21.40 Table Tennis Demonstration
(Details as Tuesday, 15.15)
21.50-22.00 Rawicz and Landauer 
(two pianofortes)
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