22 January 1938
From Uktvschedules
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BBC Television
Source: Radio Times January 14, 1938.
- 11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
- 15.00 Puppets
- The John Carr Jacquard Puppets
- 15.10 Starlight
- Nat Gonella and his Georgians
- 15.20 News Film
- British Movietonews
- 15.30-16.00 Comedy Cabaret
- Arthur Prince and 'Jim', The Nesbitt Brothers, Molly Fisher, Harry Reso, The Music Hall Boys. Presentation by Harry Pringle
- 21.00 Cabaret Cartoons, No. 12
- Cartoons by Harry Rutherford. Presentation by Cecil Madden
- 21.30 News Film
- Gaumont-British News
- 21.40 Table Tennis Demonstration
- (Details as Tuesday, 15.15)
- 21.50-22.00 Rawicz and Landauer
- (two pianofortes)