07 January 1939

From Uktvschedules

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times December 30, 1938.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
14.10 Rugby Football 
By courtesy of the Rugby Union, viewers will see (conditions permitting) the first half of the match England v. The Rest, direct from Twickenham
15.00 Bertram Mills's Circus 
A third television visit to the circus at Olympia
15.20 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
15.30-16.00 Alfredo And His Gypsy Orchestra
20.30 Bertram Mills's Circus 
The final television visit to the circus at Olympia
21.10 Grandfather's Follies 
Cabaret from Grosvenor House, with The Music-Hall Boys, Flora Duane, Earl Leslie, The Three Admirals, The Two Equillos, and The Grosvenor Gaiety Girls. Presentation by Cecil Madden
21.40 News Film 
British Movietonews
21.50 'Looking Backwards' 
A programme of historic BBC records described by Lynton Fletcher
22.05 Cartoon Film 
Santa's Workshop
22.10 Music Makers 
Eunice Gardiner (pianoforte)
22.20-22.40 News Bulletin
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