01 September 1939

From Uktvschedules

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times August 25, 1939.

Most of this schedule was never broadcast. The Television service was interrupted on this day before the start of World War II, and was not resumed until 1946. An in-depth examination of what was actually broadcast on this day can be found here

11.00-12.00 'Come And Be Televised' 
Interviewer, Elizabeth Cowell. Direct from Radiolympia
15.00 Cabaret Interlude 
with The Four Spallas (adagio), Bennett and Williams (comedians), O'Shea and Joan (tap dancers)
15.20 News Film 
British Movietonews
15.30 Cartoon Film 
Touchdown Mickey
15.35 Mantovani And His Orchestra 
with Stella Roberta and Jack Plant
16.05-16.30 The Zoo 
(Details as Monday, 16.00)
20.00 National Programme 
(sound only)
20.55(app.) Interval
21.00 Variety 
with The Gordon Radiolympia Girls, Nosmo King and Hubert Murray and Mooney, Adelaide Hall, Bobby Howell and his Band. Direct from Radiolympia
21.30 Ray Ventura Et Ses Collegiens
22.00 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
22.10 Interest Film 
West of Inverness
22.20-22.30 Pas Seul 
No. 11. With Wilma Vanne, and Dorothy Lilian Ward (coloratura soprano). The BBC Television Orchestra. Leader, Boris Pecker. Conductor, Hyam Greenbaum
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