
From Tpmmuckraker1

There are 4 redacted Senators, related in some manner to the 3 redacted USAs who had also been considered for forced resignations. Working on the theory that understanding what spared the others (and who they were) may yield understanding or reveal influence, I've done some text analysis.

Senators 4 and 6 have been sufficiently redacted as to prevent identification.

Senator 2 begins with M or N. Qualifying Republican Senators are: Mel Martinez (Florida) Mike Crapo (Idaho) Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) Mike Enzi (Wyoming) Norm Coleman (Minnesota)

Senator 3 almost certainly begins with C (or, less likely, O). Qualifying Republican Senators are: Chuck Grassley (Iowa) Chuck Hagel (Nebraska) Craig Thomas (Wyoming) Orin Hatch (Utah) Olympia Snowe (Maine)

One possibility is that the two redacted names are Mike Enzi and Craig Thomas, and that one of the redacted (and spared) attorneys was from Wyoming. This would explain why there are 4 Senators for only 3 attorneys. This is not, however, the only viable explanation.

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