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The Battle in Russia

From Tp Wiki



Battles were fought to be won but the latest showdown between the Order of the Phoenix and The Death Eaters was a stalemate, with neither side emerging victorious.

Fought in the heartland of frozen Russia, at the Volgin Mansion, a battle that was supposed to end all battles commenced, although in the end, it seemed to have been fought in vain; James Kettle escaped again and Michael Kettle, Head of the Aurors (who fought alongside the Order) was almost killed.

Before the Battle

The Temples and Organization

There were a number of battles fought in a number of special temples constructed by Volgin himself. Within each one, a small number of each side fought an intimate, two per side, with a few of the battle having two of one side and then one of the other; it all depended on the temple they were fighting in. And whoever proved victorious in their temple would at least hold some good for their side.

Hyoga Vyshgorod and Brad Fenwick

Alexander Volgin's Wishes and Hopes

Leaders of the Order versus Leaders of the Death Eaters

The Final Battle

The Aftermath

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