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Georgia Phillips

From Tp Wiki

Georgia Phillips is played by RedDevilRose

Georgia Phillips
Age/Year7th Year
StatusIn a relationship with Thomas Colby
House AffiliationHufflepuff
Jobs on TPHead Girl, Newspaper's Editor
Other RolesNone

Full Name: Georgia Phillips

Nicknames: Georgie, Gee (pronounced like the letter ‘G’)

Age: 17

Blood: Muggle-born

Physical Description

Georgia stands at roughly 5’3” tall; 5’6” with her highest heels. Her curly blonde hair falls over tanned shoulders, framing warm hazel eyes and a shy, sweet smile. Gee’s overall appearance could be considered as very ‘California girl’, despite the fact that she has never travelled outside of Europe. She has tiny hands and feet that she likes to keep well-manicured; she also takes good care of her skin. While a lot of people with curly hair tend to try and straighten it, Georgie loves it and leaves it as is, loose or in a ponytail. She rarely goes without makeup, even if it’s just mascara, and is a self-proclaimed lipgloss addict. Because she’s shy and doesn’t speak much to other people, most write her off as distant, but this assumption may be influenced by her posture, which is almost as though she’s trying to make herself as small as possible as to avoid being noticed.

Brief History

Georgia grew up on acreage in the English countryside, just a few miles south of London. The youngest of two, she was the only one in her family to attend Hogwarts. Born on March 3rd, 1990 to Daniel and Christina Phillips, the attractive blonde had a happy, normal childhood. Even though the family of four was often strapped for cash (her mother worked for the post office and her father worked at the airport), they had a roof over their heads and there was always enough food on the table. Gerogia is very close to both her parents, as well as older sister Rebecca (age 19).

Georgia attended preschool for two years before moving on to primary school at age five. At 4’5”, she was the tallest in her class and more or less shunned by the other students. This was perhaps the root of her primarily solitary behaviour. She spent most of her time in class drawing, reading, or building what she called ‘cashles’ in the sandbox. As she got older she made a few friends, but sparingly so and not as many as most children do. Georgie’s love of the arts also expanded, and by the time she was ten years old she had read Macbeth and Hamlet. Like during her Hogwarts years, she focussed mainly on her studies and excelled in every subject but physical education, in which she did poorly because of her lack of desire to join in team sports.

As you can imagine, it was quite a shock to all of her family when Gee received her Hogwarts acceptance letter. Having had no prior indication to the startling news, her parents wrote back to McGonagall demanding proof of such nonsense. The next morning she apparated right in the middle of their kitchen while the family was eating breakfast, thus convincing them all. Georgia was a bit apprehensive upon arriving at Diagon Alley with the professor, but quickly warmed to the idea when she entered Flourish & Blott’s. An obvious bookworm, she finished reading all her school books by the end of the summer and had practiced most of the charms and spells by the time she boarded the Hogwarts express.

Georgia’s first year at Hogwarts was mainly uneventful. With Voldemort having been defeated several years before, there was little tension in the air, which is ideal when there’s a worrywart like Georgia around. She did well in all her classes and kept up the effort throughout the rest of her time there up until now. Currently in her sixth year, Georgia is still just as eager to be further educated on the art of magic.


Georgia is a very shy, soft-spoken girl. She hates having attention drawn to her, which is a problem when it comes to presentations and class participation. Gee is also very self-concious – having always been a bit gawky throughout her primary school years (most find it hard to believe she was once the tallest in her class) she’s never considered herself pretty. She is especially shy around guys she likes, reduced to blushing and stuttering and making a complete fool of herself when in their presence. Not wanting to subject herself to such embarrassment, Georgie chooses to concentrate on her schoolwork. Curious by nature, as well as having an enormous thirst for knowledge, learning comes naturally to her. Studious as well as motivated, Georgia puts maximum effort into all her assignments, resulting in top marks most of the time – she gets majorly frustrated if she can’t understand something immediately. Generally, she’s very driven, and doesn’t care much for clohtes and makeup like the other sixth year girls. She also isn’t one to wear especially flashy or revealing clothing, and usually sticks to the school uniform. Georgie followed the rules by the book when she first came to Hogwarts (she was actually somewhat of a tattletale), but now she is definitely more relaxed.

Georgia doesn’t get angry much, even when provoked, but frustration comes easily to such an academic perfectionist. She hates fighting and violence – even yelling makes her nervous – but she isn’t likely to act as a mediator if such a situation were to arise. Georgia is actually somewhat of a loner; and has a few friends, but not many, and greatly dislikes crowds and busy places. She pretty much keeps to herself, referring to this behaviour as ‘being involved in her own life, and not in everyone else’s.’


Georgia’s strengths are primarily academic, as she doesn’t have much of a social life. However, her best classes are definitely charms and history of magic – the latter especially, as books are her forte. When she wants to achieve something, her dedication is constant, fuelled by her unrelenting motivation and desire to succeed, which she usually does. Despite her painfully shy personality she is generally quite kind and would never refuse someone aid if they needed it, unless it was distracting her from her own goals. A quick learner, Georgia’s mind is quick to grasp any piece of knowledge thrown her way, whether it be useless or necessary. She’s also quite gifted in the arts, particularly drawing, playwriting (sp?), playing the flute, as well as composing her own music.


There’s no point in trying to hide it – Georgia’s one major weakness is socializing. She’s hopeless at meeting new people, as she doesn’t put any effort in trying to make friends – but this is because she’s simply too shy. The classes she has to work hardest in are potions and divinations; the first because she was never especially talented in the hand-on subjects, the latter because she can’t understand why anyone would take a class seriously if it wasn’t based on solid facts. She’s also a very sensitive person, susceptive to emotion. She’s nowhere near as sensitive as she used to be (when she was younger, it didn’t take much ridicule to bring her to tears) and has managed to teach herself not to react publicly. She gets frustrated easily if she can’t quite grasp something as quickly as she would like.

Hobbies and Interests

Having grown up in the countryside, one of Georgia’s favourite hobbies is horseback riding. She also greatly enjoys drawing, reading (her favourite books are Jane Eyre and A Midsummer Night’s Dream), penning her own scripts, playing the flute, composing her own music, and learning whatever she can. She also loves muggle television (being muggle-born and all) and mainly watches forensics shows and documentaries when she has the chance. Her other hobbies include yoga and meditation (to relieve some of the stress she puts on herself). She takes great interest in history and has a list of historical landmarks she wants to visit, including various locations in France, Scotland, Egypt and China.

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