Wei Yan

From Three Kingdoms Online Community

Wei Yan, stylename Wenchang, was a native of Yiyang. As the Company of the Division (Bu Qu), he followed the First Sovereign into Shu. He had many military accomplishments and was assigned as General of the Standard (Ya Men Jiang Jun). The First Sovereign became Prince of Hanzhong and was about to leave for Chengdu. As for selecting the general who would guard Han Chuan (Hanzhong), many considered Zhang Fei to be the likely candidate and Fei himself thought he was likely to be chosen. However, the First Sovereign named Wei Yan as the General Who Maintains Distant Lands in Peace, as well as the Governor of Hanzhong, to the astonishment of many in the army. The First Sovereign said in front of the various ministers, "Now I am entrusting a great responsibility on you, Sir, do you have anything that you want to say?". Yan replied, "If Cao Cao with the entire world was coming here, I request that I smite him on behalf of Your Highness. If it was an auxiliary force of a hundred thousand, I request that I swallow them on behalf of Your Highness." The First Sovereign was very pleased and everyone else cried out boldly in agreement. The First Sovereign honoured Wei Yan with the title, General Who Suppresses the North. In the first year of Jian Xing [CE 223], he was enfeoffed as Marquis of a Chief Village (Dou Ting Hou). In the fifth year [CE 227], Zhuge Liang stationed in Hanzhong and Wei Yan was to supervise the front division with the rank of Major of the Prime Minister (Cheng Xiang Sima) and Inspector (Ci Shi) of Liangzhou. In the eighth year [CE 230], he was sent as ambassador into the Qiang tribes, where the Wei General of the Rear Army, Fei Yao, and the Inspector of Yongzhou, Guo Huai, battled with him at Yang Qi. Wei Yan heavily defeated them and was promoted as Advisor of the Front Army (Qian Jun Shi), General Who Conquers the West, and Marquis of Nanzheng.

Each time he accompanied Zhuge Liang on expedition, he always wanted to lead ten thousand and go along different paths to meet up with Liang at the Tong Pass, based on the previous strategy of Han Xin. But Zhuge Liang never allowed this plan and Wei Yan often said Liang was faint-hearted. He sighed that his talents were not used to their full potential.

Wei Lue says: Xiahou Mao was the General Who Pacifies the West stationed in Chang'an. Zhuge Liang was in Nanzheng discussing strategy with his generals. Wei Yan said, "I have heard this Xiahou Mao is the son-in-law of their sovereign; he is faint-hearted and without counsel. Yan wishes to take five thousand troops, another five thousand to carry supplies, to march out of Baozhong eastward along the Qin Ling mountains, and then turn north up Ziwu. I will reach Chang'an within ten days. When Mao hears of my sudden arrival, he is certain to take take a boat and flee. In Chang'an, there is only Counsellor (Yu Shi) and the Governor (Taishou) of Jingshao left to defend. The grain in the storehouses of Heng Men and those left behind by the people who scatter will be enough for us. It will take about twenty days for our main force to meet up with the force in the East, to which Your Excellency, taking the road out of Xie valley will reach the place. This way, the region west of Xianyang will be settled in one stroke." Zhuge Liang considered this county to be dangerous and preferred to travel along the flat roads and so that Longyou could be taken easily. He was certain that ten times out of ten, this plan was certain to work without any worry, and so he did not accept Wei Yan's plan.

Wei Yan was very good to his soldiers and was braver than others. He was boastful of his talents and many tended to avoid him. However, Yang Yi alone made no concession to him and Yan was extremely resentful of him. They were like fire and water. In the twelth year [CE 234], Zhuge Liang marched out of the mouth of the North valley, with Wei Yan leading the Van. At ten miles away from Zhuge Liang's tent, Wei Yan dreamed that horns grew out of his head. So he asked Zhao Zhi for the meaning of this dream and Zhi gave him a false reply, "Every Qilin (chinese unicorn) has horns but has no need for them. This means that without need for battle, the rebels will become defeated themselves." However, others interpret the dream as, "The character 'jiao' (horn), is shaped like a downward knife. To have a knife above one's head is a very onimous sign for him."

In the autumn, Zhuge Liang fell sick and sent secret orders to the Chief Clerk (Chang Shi), Yang Yi, the Major, Fei Yi, and the Protector of the Army, Jiang Wei for the army's retreat after his death. Wei Yan was to guard the rear with Jiang Wei after him. If Wei Yan refused to accept the order, they were to retreat without him. Zhuge Liang died but his death was kept secret. Yang Yi ordered Fei Yi to go to Wei Yan and discover his intentions. Wei Yan said, "Although the Prime Minister had died, I am still here. The officials belonging to the Office of Prime Minister may carry his mortal remains to be buried. I on the other hand should command the various troops and strike at the rebels. Because of the death of one man, must we neglect the affairs of the State? Besides, who am I, Wei Yan, that I should be commanded by Yang Yi to serve as general of the rearguard?" So he and Fei Yi took charge of the troops left behind and had Yi write a letter to be signed by both of them which was to be announced to the various generals. Fei Yi said to Wei Yan, "I should go on your behalf and explain this to the Chief Clerk, Yang Yi. The Chief Clerk is a civil official and is not experience in military affairs, so is certain to not disobey you." Fei Yi galloped quickly out the gate and Wei Yan regretted letting him go, so he went after him but could not catch up. He then sent someone to Yang Yi and the others, who were following Zhuge Liang's plan, so the various encampments were returning. Wei Yan was very angry and before Yang Yi had started, he led his troops back to the South before them, and burnt the plank roads. Both Wei Yan and Yang Yi sent memorials, each accusing each other of rebelling. Within the same day, their memorials arrived and the Latter Sovereign asked the Clerk (Shi Zhong), Dong Yun and the left behind Chief Clerk of the Office of Prime Minister, Jiang Wan. Both of them supported Yang Yi while were suspicious of Wei Yan. Yang Yi had trees hewn to make roads and marched day and night to get close behind Wei Yan. Wei Yan arrived first at the Southern Valley and ordered his troops to attack Yang Yi and the others. Yang Yi ordered He Ping (Wang Ping) (1) forward to resist Wei Yan. [Wang] Ping scolded at Wei Yan, "His Excellency so lately died that his body is not yet cold; how dare you act this way!" Wei Yan's soldiers knew their leader was in the wrong and no-one dared to act and so they scattered. Wei Yan, along with his sons and a few followers, fled to Hanzhong. Yang Yi sent Ma Dai to give chase. Dai chopped Wei Yan's head off and sent it to Yang Yi. Yang Yi stepped on it and said, "You slave! Can you do your wicked deeds anymore?" He ordered the execution of Wei Yan's family to the third degree. Before, Jiang Wan had led the various camps of the imperial bodyguards north to cope with the disorders. He travelled about ten li (miles) when he heard news of Wei Yan's death, and so he returned. In the beginning, Wei Yan did not go north to Wei but instead returned to the South. But his only desire was to kill Yang Yi and the others in disagreement with him, with thee hope that opinion of the time would make him Zhuge Liang's successor. This was his actual aim and he did not think of rebelling.

Wei Lue says: When Zhuge Liang died, he said to Wei Yan and the others, "After I am dead, be cautious in guarding but do no return here". Wei Yan was ordered to be assist in the operations and keep his death a secret and so he did as told. When they reached the entrace of Bao, the death was announced and a funeral held. Zhuge Liang's Chief Clerk, Yang Yi, was never in agreement with Wei Yan, and after noticing that Yan was in charge of military affairs, feared that he would be harmed. So he made rumours that Wei Yan was going to submit to the North and led his troops to attack him. In reality, Wei Yan had no intention to do such a thing, and so offered no resistance. He was later caught and killed.

Your servant Pei Songzhi believes that this is definitely an unsubstantiated rumour coming from an enemy state and must not be used contradict the contents of this biography.

Translator Notes

(1) Wang Ping was also known as He Ping. Apparently later, he change his family name back to its original, Wang.

Some parts of the translation were adapted from notes in "Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms" by Achilles Fang.

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