Exodus 4

From Theologica

Questions: (4:1 - 4:17) Observation - - 4:1 Moses asks, "What if they will not believe?" - This is a reasonable question and one which I would have asked. - The idea of going to anyone and tleling them that God spoke to you is bound to incur ridicule from the audience. - This is the most obvious question to ask. - 4:2 Q: "What is that in your hand?" A: "A staff" - It's what Moses had with Him. - 4:3 "Throw it on the ground." The staff becomes a serpent and Moses flees from it. - Moses' flight indicates the serpent was real - 4:4 Snake -> staff - 4:5 The answer to Moses' question in 4:1 - Signs will answer Israel unbelief - 4:6-7 Moses hand becomes leprous and then healed again - 4:8 The added sign will provide more proof - 4:9 The third sign: Nile water to blood. - 4:10 Moses' excuse: "I am slow of speech and slow of tongue." - 4:11 God reminds Moses that it is He who gave men mouths. The implication is that Moses excuse is meaningless - 4:12 God assures Moses that He will be with him. - 4:13 The real point: Moses doesn't want to do it. Send someone else. - 4:14 God's anger burns against Moses - God does not allow Moses to get out of His task, but provides a means for him to carry it out; even though he didnt' really need it. - 4:15-16 Moses is to speak through Aaron. God will provide the words - 4:17 Moses is commanded to take his staff. God will perform signs through it.

Interpretation -

- In one way it seems that God is point out to Moses his staff in order to show Moses that God can work through anything. A piece or wood or a person.

Application -

- God uses us where we are and with what we have.

- God is patient with our disobedience to a point

Back to Egypt: (4:18 - 4:23)

Observations - - 4:18 Moses asks Jethro for permission to return to Egypt. Jethro gives him permission - What would be going through Moses' mind after meeting God? How do you go back to normality from that? - 4:19 God tells Moses 1) go back to Egypt and 2) Everyone who was trying to kill him are dead. ? Why repeat the command to go back to Egypt? Or is God determining the schedule? - 4:20 Moses heads back to Egypt with his family. ? Does mounting his family on a donkey have any significance? - "Moses also took the staff of God in his hand." - 4:21 Moses commanded to perform the signs before Pharaoh - God will harden Pharaoh's heart. ? What would Moses have thought? Here I am obeying you by going back to Egypt, but then you are hindering me by hardening Pharaoh's heart? - 4:22 Israel is God's son, His firstborn. In the New Testament this is interpreted via Israel being the son of promise (ie Jesus) - 4:23 Moses is commanded to tell pharaoh that because he refused to let Israel go, he will therefore lose a son.

Interpretation -

Application -

Bridegroom of Blood (4:24 - 4:26)

Observations -

- 4:24 The lodging place? Where is that? Is that a physical place or just a name for where they were camped?

- The Lord sought to put him to death.

? Why?

- 4:25 Zipporah circumcises their son and throws the foreskin to Moses feet stating, "You are indeed a bridegroom of blood to me."

- Gen 17:14 states that the uncircumcised Jew will be cut off from his people.

? Was God about to kill Moses for His disobedience?

? How did Zipporah know? Was this a struggle they had had previously and it took this action by God to force her hand and allow it?

- 4:26 God relents. It appears that it is indeed the circumcision that God wanted done.

- Moses is going to be the leader of Israel; He must be above reproach

- It doesn't seem that Zipporah is repeating herself, but rather that the passage is clarifying that she makes her statement after God relents.

- By calling Moses a bridegroom of blood. Is this an insult? Is this out of anger for her being forced to circumcise the boy?

Interpretation -

Application -

Let My People Go (4:27 - 20:26) Moses returns (4:27 - 4:31) Observation - - 4:27 God sends Aaron to find Moses. They meet at the Mountain of God. - 4:28 Moses recaps what has happened to Aaron. - 4:29 Moses and Aaron assemble the elders of Israel - 4:30 Aaron, as Moses' mouthpiece, speaks the words of God and performs the miracles in front of the people - 4:31 The people believed Moses and were humbled that God had taken notice of them. - The people's belief was based on miracles. ? As a result of what eventually happened, are miracles enough to base belief on?

Interpretation - - The right response to God's attention is worship

Application - - This is stretching, but it may be that God sends people to raise up those who have been in waiting. Paul waited until Barnabas went and found him and we see here that Aaron was sent to retrieve Moses. - Moses had to wait 40 years, but eventually He was given a ministry.

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