Edvard Akiva Abramovicz

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Edvard Akiva Abramovicz
Prime Minister of Israel

Term of office
21 April 2008 - present

Political party Likud

Preceded by Ehud Olmert

Succeeded by Incumbent

Born 20 May 1947 (age 62)

Spouse Nora Abramovicz (née Finkelstein)

Profession Soldier, politician

Religion Judaism

Languages Hebrew, Arabic, English, Czech

Other positions
  • Foreign Minister of Israel (2006-2008)
  • Defence Minister of Israel (2002-2006)
  • Commander of the Israeli Northern Command (1997-2000)
  • Commander of the 366th "Amud ha-Esh"/"Pillar of Fire" Armor Division (1994-1997)

Edvard Akiva Abramovicz is the Prime Minister of Israel. He is also the leader of Likud. Edvard Abramovicz was a soldier in the Israeli Army.

Abramovicz is of Czech Jewish descent. His parents miraculously survived the Holocaust (only 10% of Czech Jews survived). His parents moved illegally to what was then Mandatory Palestine in 1946, and lived in Tel Aviv.

Abramovicz entered the Army when he was called up, and was trained as an officer in 1966 when he opted for a professional military career in the Armour Corps. During his service, he served in the Six-Day War, the War of Attrition, the Yom Kippur War, three wars in Lebanon (1978-1982), and the First Intifada.

He progressed through the ranks to Aluf (Major General). He took up politics because of what he saw as a 'cycle of complacency'. Israel Prime Ministers would enter office promising tough action against Palestinian terrorism, they would try this for a while and it would be effective. He would eventually start to offer concessions to the Palestinians, which would cause violence to rise again, and causing that Prime Minister to be removed from office due to the unpopularity caused by the increasing violence.

Abramovicz has taken the attitude that the time had arrived for the Palestinians to honour the agreements they had made, and to start acting as if they wanted peace.

Abramovicz strongly believes in Zionism, and he has no problem with settlements (but refuses to expand them beyond normal population increases). He supports the free market. He is opposed to a Palestinian state, and believes that any such state (if it does come) should be demilitarised, secular, non-racialist, and democratic. It should also have a viable economy.


"The death of Yasser Arafat is a good day for Israel, and for the Palestinians. They are
now rid of a corrupt thug who has only set back the Palestinian cause. Yasser Arafat was
the architect of modern terrorism"

November 2004

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