Wikihood 2/eps/20

From The Wikihood

20 Ekul, Strong Sader and Chwoka's Excellent Adventure


CAST (in order of appearence):


WILL: So, everything set up fine, Eric?

{Will dons his helmet.}

WILL: Riggidy-Roll!

{Ekul steps in}

EKUL: Ah, Will. I see you played the video game I made! Those reactions are dead accurate, and all the history is true, including future history of Cul's ship!

WILL: I still don't understand how you can talk in the real world. I mena, I understand swapping the vocal cords, but beaks can't move like lips. Ah well. INTO THE SIMULATION!

{Cut to the simulation.}

CHWOKA: Ahh, it's good to be back.

{Ekul pops in}

EKUL: My beak? Well, let's just say I can vibrate my vocal chords more. You know that robe I wear here and in real life? That's pretty handy for storing unreasonable amounts of stuff.

{Suddenly, a Delorean drives in. Chwoka from 20X6 climbs out.}

20X6 CHWOKA: Come with me.

{Chwokal appears in a ball of light}

CHWOKAL: No, no, come with me! Don't come with him!

{Zoom out to reveal Chwoka and Ekul are watching TV.}

CHWOKA: I give you $800, and you make this?

EKUL: Recruiting Chwokal and your future self was hard work!

CHWOKA: But with a time machine, it's free.

{A cardboard meteor is lowered on ropes on the TV}

EKUL: You know, the simulation really doesn't have the power to switch bodies, I added that as fiction. I just thought I'd drop that. So, you want to arson the KOT's place?

CHWOKA: Nah. I hear Darlon and Dark Sader got dibs on that.

EKUL: Shame. At least now Nived isn't in the system yet.

NIVED: Hey, guys!

EKUL: Crud.

{A hologram of Y2K appears.}

Y2K: Whaddaya want, Nived?

NIVED: I want to declare that I'm not sorry for anything that didn't happen and I'd do it again in real life

{Nived dissapears}

STRONG SADER: What's cracking homies?

{OOC: Is this an anti-episode? Because the plot was just getting back on track.}

{OOC: It sounds pretty permanent... It almost erased my character development, but I made that part canon...}

EKUL: I guess the system's back online.

PLOTMAN: Plot. (Continuity cannot be disrespected.) {Clicks his fingers, the surroundings return to how they were last episode.}

STRONG SADER: Looks like the time-proof tent worked.

SETTINGDUDE: Hmm, that continuity displacement affected this. Good news, guys, it looks like you guys can go back to the simulation, but not real life. There's a few errors left, like the LoE is marooned in an alternate reality, and that combine army are stuck in limbo. Now that you've been to the void, you may return. Only those who have been here can come back.

KYVES: Hm, really?

{An archway appears in the void leading to the different realities.}

SETTINGDUDE: Call this the end of time, that's really what it is.

STRONG SADER: Well, who first?

EKUL: Well, it's my fault for coaxing Willon. I'll go first.

{Ekul enters the simulation. He looks around.}

EKUL: Ah, good. It seems to be running nicely.

{Ekul checks the physics engine, nothing messes up or violates his calculations.}

EKUL: It's fine, guys.

STRONG SADER: {Steps through} Seems fine. The Simulation and reality have been the same for the last few days, it's great to see the fourth wall seperating the two again. Too bad Settingdude religated the temperal damage onto the real world.

EKUL: Well, the End of Time is the solution to the Fourth Wall breakings. Willon cannot go to the End of Time, only me, you, Trogdor, Chwoka and Homestar can.

{A battered tape falls from the sky.}

STRONG SADER: {Picks it up} What do you suppose it is?

EKUL: Hmm... I'm not sure. Let's put it in.

{Strong Sader edits a TV into existance and plays the tape. The TV shows a staticy ring.}

DARLON: {Voice} Seven days...

EKUL: Eh, he's not here, remember? The LoE is comatose. That must be an old tape.

VIDEO DARLON: That's right, the virus taped on this video will infect the entire simulation in seven days!


EKUL: Oh crap.

KYVES: I need to run some tests on it.

{OOC: Chwoka, the plot is essentually starting over this way aswell. Nobody else wants to get rid of the plot, we've all had character developments, and it is an unwriten rule within Wikihood to NEVER (I can't strees that enough) destroy the plot with an "It was all a dream/video game" cop out.}

{OOC: Chwoka, the reason I froze the combine and the LoE was to reach a compromise. Everybody will disagree anyway, so compromise is best. No enemies, but everything is canon.}

KYVES: Hmm... It appears this tape utilizes the vestigial coding and distorts the flow of the simulation. Essentially, it's changed from a inanimate control unit to a virus that changes the simulation altogether.

STRONG SADER: So it's absorbing the Simulation's code flow, reengineering it, then releasing it back into the flow. Dude, in two days, there won't be a single unedited code!

KYVES: Right. And the vestigial code, that's code that was programmed, but never used is being used in ways not forseen. Fortunately, they only mapped out 6% of the vestigial code, leaving some of the more dangerous out.

EKUL: Oh snap. What are we going to do?

STRONG SADER: First, destrooy the tape, it won't stop the virus, but it'll need to create a new source, so that'll slow it down.

EKUL: You sure? We need to remember its source. I say we damage the tape little by little so that it wastes its time rebuilding it.

STRONG SADER: Good plan! Can you create some kind of slow burning flame?

EKUL: Better! I can put it in a freezing room, put a fan in it then light it on fire. The flame dies down because of the cold, then burns up after a while because of a fan! Call me MacGykul!

STRONG SADER: Great plan MacGykul! {A bush morphs into a giant stop sign} No time to waste, how much time do you need?

EKUL: Not too long.

{Ekul goes into Marzipan's house.}

EKUL: Outta here, Bubs and Marzipan!

{Ekul shoves them out the door. He then freezes the room, and tosses the tape onto the ground. He sets a torch on fire right next to it and turns a fan on. The work is successful}

EKUL: Strong Sader, use your electricity to charge up this battery for the fan, then quarentine the area so that nobody can enter or exit it, possibly disrupting it.

STRONG SADER: On it! {Fires electricity at the fan's battery pack} That should keep it going for a week, give or take.

EKUL: Then, we can return and either set it back up or find a way to destroy it.

{Meek Sader divides from Strong Sader like a bacteria.}

MEEK SADER: I don't want to miss out on the action. By the way, what have I missed?

KYVES: Don't worry, we've solved quite a few problems. We're going to need your help with destroying a virus I analyzed. I still haven't completely studied it

MEEK SADER: No need, while the virus was in Strong Sader's mind, I made a few schematic diagrams, prehaps they'll be useful. {Produces and hands Kyves and Strong Sader a battered note pad.}

KYVES: I already did download it, but thanks anyway. I notice you made some notes, so a second opinion is always good.

STRONG SADER: It says here that the virus has an extra-uni- {Face goes pale and stumbles back} No. No it can't be...

EKUL: Extra what, now!?

STRONG SADER: {Shaken} This thing isn't just designed to infect, it fulfills another purpous, something I didn't think possible.


STRONG SADER: It's designed to rebuild the legion with interest... about 2,000,000,000 soldiers worth of interest. And this isn't in the simulation, it's in the Real World!

EKUL: I knew it was meant for the real world, but not how! 2/3rds of the world!

STRONG SADER: At the moment of total infection it rewrites the coding into 2 billion primitive brains and feeds them through the hologram generator, the virus has already upgraded it to work outside the buiding without losing it's hard light qualities, this new army is going to be as real as the Earth itself.

HOMESTAR: Hey, what are you guys talking aboot?

KYVES: Wait right here. I can solve part of the problem.

{Kyves leaves the program.}

EKUL: Kyves!? What are you... Oh no... He's going to damage the hologenerator. That could be dangerous!

STRONG SADER: Not dangerous, suicidal! The Hologenerater is put on autoprotect the second of infection, and that is the virus' first programmed target!


EKUL: No no no. He's got magentism powers, so he can erase it, but he's putting himself at great risk!

STRONG SADER: I should have delt with Dark Sader a long time ago, I should have destroyed him while I was young and he was weak.

HOMESTAR If dark did not exist, light would not be so magnificent. Whoa! That was weiwd.

EKUL: Homestar, did you just say something extremely profound?

STRONG SADER: The virus must be editing his thought coding.

EKUL: His file checked out virus free. I guess he's just got a margin of profoundinosity.

STRONG SADER: Profinity syndrom?

HOMESTAR: What is a "syndrom"? I know what the othew wowd means. A-hem. CWAPFACE

EKUL: One, that's profanity, two crap is not profanity.


STRONG SADER: Oh... k...

VANHOCK: {Wakes up} Huh? What's going on?

CHWOKA: I feel like we just destroyed Darlon (OOC: Thanks for killing off one of my characters, guys. </sarcasm>}

EKUL: I wish. He's marooned in an alternate reality. You can access him from Doom Lake underneath the KoT's castle. Uh, might I add that the King of Town is presumed dead by falling into that lake.

{OOC: Darlon and the rest of the LoE will return in the season finalé for the final showdown between us and them.}

STRONG SADER: Well, he's alive again now, the temperal jeggery-pokkery brought him back into existance.

EKUL: Jargon hardly makes you sound credible!

KYVES: Hmm... I say we send a camera down to keep an eye on them.

MEEK SADER: No chance, Settingdude has disabled transdimentional transport.

DIGIMASTER: {Walks in} Hey guys, I suppose your wondering how I came back alive and why wasn't here for the last few episodes? No. Really? So what have I missed?

EKUL: Boring stuff like LoE's tower exploding, me being sent into the past and then all the multiverse being destroyed. It's all good now.

DIGIMASTER: Right, so what's happening now?

STRONG SADER: The Simulation's been infected with some sort of LoE super-virus.

KYVES: It affects the real world, which was Nived's plan all along. Everything till now was a facade to mask his true plan to take over the world. If they succeed, I'm not sure if anything could be done...

CHWOKA: Umm...ok...

{A modified DeSaderean crashes through Chwoka}

VOICE: Dude, did I just run over myself?

OTHER VOICE: Yeah, you did.

{Chwoka and Vanhock step out, wearing Blue shirts instead of green.}

ALTERNATE VANHOCK: That was awesome. Hey, look, it's Ekul! Maybe we can go on a crazy episode long adventure starting with a run-down of this dimention.

VANHOCK: Ummm...Didn't Settingdude disable Multiverse travel?

SETTINGDUDE: Indeed I did. But these guys are from another universe...a non-canon universe. A rather silly one, too. They're not affected by the virus or any rules.

ALTERNATE CHWOKA: Hey! I know you! You're that guy we killed!

ALTERNATE VANHOCK: Along with the Plotman!

SETTINGDUDE: Good thing they're here, too. We need their presence here to help us speed up the process of returning to normality to 1 episode.

CHWOKA: So, the simple fact that they're here means the problem will be solved this episode?

SETTINGDUDE: Unless they leave.

EKUL: Normality?! Ha! Not in Wikihood.

{Darlon walks on screen, wearing White.}

White DARLON: Hey, everybody.

{Chwoka and Vanhock look at each other and throw Darlon into Doom Lake.}

CHWOKA: That'll teach you!

ALTERNATE DARLON: Wow. Hey, Chwoka, Vanhock! Come on in! The water's fine!

VANHOCK: Really? {jumps in and dies instantly.}

ALTERNATE DARLON: What's his problem?


{Ekul pulls down his sleeves to reveal twin machine guns}

EKUL: Okay, I think something's going on here. Doppelgangers?! Tell me who you are your die!




{Alternate Darlon faints, and begins to sink to the bottom.}

ALTERNATE CHWOKA: YOU MONSTER! You made Darlon faint, and now he's going to drown!

{Alternate Chwoka swims down into Doom Lake to retrieve Darlon. The two die due to not enough protection.}

EKUL: Uh, Doom lake ages you exponentially. PROBLEM SOLVED ON YOUR END!

{universe rewinds, and before the two die, Settingdude appears.}

SETTINGDUDE: Like I was going to explain, they are impervious to Doom Lake and numerous other things because they have a aura of non-canonness. Thus, they can travel through time and break all the rules of space-time.

{Alternate Chwoka pops up with Regular Darlon, who is unconcious.}

ALTERANATE CHWOKA: Apparently the lake is inky. It turned Darlon's clothes black.

{cut to the other side of the castle. Alternate Darlon washes up on shore and wakes up.}

ALTERNATE DARLON: W...where am I? Who am I?

{A sheep kicks him in the head, sending him plummeting into Doom Lake. Alternate Darlon looks around, and sees the portal to the universe the LoE is in. He swims into it. Cut back to Ekul, Chwoka, Alternate Chwoka, Alternate Vanhock, and Regular Darlon.}

ALT VANHOCK: Ewww! Let's get out of here before it stains our clothes!

{The alts climb out of Doom Lake}

CHWOKA: Uh, guys, that's Darlon from our dimention.

ALT CHWOKA: Oh, then I bet you're pretty glad about us rescuing him, aren't you?

CHWOKA: Well, in-

VANHOCK: You bet we are! {winks at Ekul and Chwoka, implying he has a plan.}

EKUL: Darlon, eh?

{Ekul suddenly has an evil look on his face}

KYVES: Hm, are you alright?

EKUL: I don't know, I've been doing odd things since I sacrified my seriousness and sanity to prevent my evilty. Mmyes... evilty.

{Cut to the inside of Ekul's mind. I Vanhock-looking Ekul has found his way into the containment chamber of Darkul, and has began devouring Darkul while simultaneously manning the controls. Ekul looks on in oddness}

EKUL: Oh dear. For some reason, it has been deemed appropriate for someone else to control my mind. {Plotman is about to pounce on Ekul for breaking the fourth wall} Plotman, just walk away.

PLOTMAN: {dejectedly} Plot...

DARLON: Huh? I'm out of Doom Lake?

{Vanhock signals to the gang to remain calm.}

EKUL: Nothing can make em calm. Except-

{Ekul suddenly collapses, Kyves is behind him with a candlestick.}

EKUL: C-concussion...

KYVES: Sorry, old friend. I wouldn't have done it if you weren't crazy.

{A DeSadTrainean smashes into reality. Alternate Strong Sader exits, wearing a green shirt instead of the normal orange.}

ALT STRONG SADER: There you two are! I've searched through about nine universes looking for you guys!

KYVES: Hm, they must be echoes! Echoes of the future past, paralell, whatever, they can be around us, but they aren't here. At any rate, I'm going to the Doom Lake portal now.

{Kyves puts on a cronaut suit and descends into the lake. Suddenly he rushes back out}

KYVES: Run! I know I've been gone awhile, but run!

{A monsterously mutated KoT holding an absorbsion rod emerges from the lake.}

{OOC: An obelisk is not a rod, it's a gigantic crystal-like object. It was seen earlier, but the allies didn't notice it.}

KYVES: He's been altered by the portal at the lake!

{Kyves fires a ray of elecricity out of one of his swords}


VANHOCK: I'll save you guys!

{Vanhock jumps into MKOT}

ALT CHWOKA: He gave his life for ours.

VANHOCK: Hey guys.

CHWOKA: Let me're just alternate Vanhock wearing a green shirt.

ALT VANHOCK: What about a alternate Vanhock?

CHWOKA: ...Ok then. Their silliness is already beginning to affect the universe.

ALT CHWOKA: Seriously, dude, you are WAY too serious. Lighten up a bit.

KYVES: Hmm... I wonder if anything different happened if you logged out in the Doom Lake?

{cut to the pocket dimention for the LoE}

ALT DARLON: '{waking up} ...Buh?

NIVED: Darlon? Something's different about you... Did they reintegrate you into them?

ALT DARLON: Am I Darlon?

NIVED: Darlon, I am in doubt that you could get amnesia. They must done something to you. If we had tools... We could find out what happened.

{Alt Darlon stands up}

ALT DARLON: Who are you guys? Where am I?

NIVED: We're the LoE. We're in the Darkness Beyond Time. In otherwords, we're in an erased timeline. We can escape, being not a part of this particular timeline, but it'd be near impossible without outside help.

ALT DARLON: Erased Timelines? Outside? Louie?

NIVED: As you can see, we're in some sort of shoddy house. You want me to prove we're in an alternate universe...?

{Nived steps out of the house. Outside is completely nature, no sign of any human life. All life is completely native.}

NIVED: This timeline represents what life would be like with no developed brains, only underdeveloped animals.

ALT DARLON: Timelines!? Universes!?

NIVED: really don't remember... I was hoping I could shock you into it. Well... Hm. Let's get you medical attention.

ALT DARLON: Medical?

{Nived grabs Alt Darlon and drags him into the hut. An animal gets in. An ostretch with a prominent lower beak.}

NIVED: That's an anomaly, apparently the characters are still alive, just no longer humanoid. That's Homestrech. It's quite odd.

ALT DARLON: Characters?

{The mutant KoT falls through the air.}

OTHER CHARACTER: It appears as if there's a rip in space-time leading to Doom Lake 1 nanometer wide!


{Several slams are heard}

<INSERT LOE MEMBER HERE>: That's just Strong Mash. Also, how are you here?

OTHER CHARACTER: Oh, right. {blips out}

NIVED: ...Anyway, I've got a way, but we need to obtain some power enhansing technology. My gravity powers can do it, just if we can amplify it. Darlon, they had to do something to you, since they got you and then you came back like this. Without a memory.

{Lightning crashes.}

ALT DARLON: Power, hm? I wonder...{takes Homestretch to the roof.} Penguin guy, hold onto the...stringy...things! {Alt Darlon holds up Homestretch's head. It acts as a lightning rod, and transfers the lightning through Darlon (charring his clothes to black) and the roof, through the hay, and into Nived} Use those gravity things!

{Nived creates a black hole cone which shrinks and propels Alt Darlon and Nived through the portal, also enlarging them when they fly out. Nived is protected by the fact that he was one of the people who made the pit of Doom Lake and is not aged.}

{Cut to outside the moat. Nived and Alt Darlon (Now looking like Regular Darlon} climb out.}

CHWOKA: ...Alternate Me, I apologize. Apparently, one of the Darlons are real, one isn't.

ALT DARLON: There's more then one me?

ALT CHWOKA: Apology accepted.

{Darlon wakes up}

DARLON: Where am I?

VANHOCK: So, they both have amnesia.

NIVED: Interesting. I was afraid you had attacked him, not tried to help.

CHWOKA: Actually, didn't help. The alternates did. Apparently, where they come from, Darlon is good. So, let's try to find out which Darlon is the real one. Ok, Nived, got any clues?

NIVED: This Darlon with me was not affected by the time damage, so I think it must be his canonosity...

VANHOCK: No, both Darlons can resist aging in Doom Lake. {picks up both Darlons and dips them in Doom Lake.} See?

NIVED: Hmph. Well, I have a way to jog his memory. If you'll excuse me.

{Nived disappears.}

{Cut to Strong Sader, his alternate self, Ekul and Meek Sader holding back the MKoT.}

STRONG SADER: He must have used the obilisk of absorbsion to absorb the temperally instable water in the lake.

{OOC: I thought Ekul had a aconcussion and the MKoT was in the alternate universe?}

EKUL: Oww... How could an obelisk fit in that lake, it's have to not be an obelisk to fit in the lake... It's very... fun...

{Ekul looks up at the sky dazedly. Nived comes up}

NIVED: Besides. The obelisk is not here. My scanners indicate...

{Nived runs off.}

EKUL: Have a nice day...

{Strong Sader notices a piece of the obelisk in MKoT's head}

EKUL: ...What's that!? Shard?

{Ekul jumps on the KoT's head. The KoT bats him away. Ekul crashes into the ground.}

EKUL: Frosta la keista... kingie...

{Ekul freezes the king. Ekul subsequently passes out. The MKoT releases a blast of glitched temperal energy, freeing himself, enhanced by the virus. It sweeps past Strong Sader, he is buffeted and sparks wildly. Kyves runs up}

KYVES: Oh dear... it's all my fault. If I hadn't knocked out Ekul to prevent him from blurting out the plan...

{MKoT suddenly mutates even more, contracting into a very muscular fighter.}

STRONG SADER: {Dazed} I... I... {Sparks a bit more} Peidiwch a fy mwrw...

{The MKoT scores a direct hit to Strong Sader's face. He goes flying.}

{Ekul is motionless on the ground. The ground around him stops moving too.}


{Kyves dives with both swords out, and uses them to grab the obelisk piece. It flies and lands on Ekul. An area of completely frozen time barrier is around Ekul.}

FKOT: IT doesn't matter! It's effects are still on me! {He does a maniacle version of his laugh} Doo hoo hoo hoo...

STRONG SADER: There's only one way to counter the effects and that's to {sparks} Defnyddio'r diamwnt i anwneud y brosess. {Sparks again} Trust me.

FKOT: I am now the TRUE king! Poopsmith, come!

{The Poopsmith comes out}

FKOT: Obtain the obelisk shard!

{The Poopsmith sticks his shovel into the barrier and gets the shard out. The shovel gets stuck in the barrier, which grows. The shard gets caught on the Poopsmith. The poop on his gloves grows and envelops him, mutating him into a giant poopsmith made of poop.}

{Nived walks back in}

NIVED: This piece is dangerous... It's more powerful than it used to be, but the failsafe is gone... It's having interesting effects... It appears Ekul has been frozen completely in time, I don't know what other things it could do. I'd suggest you turn the piece over to me, KoT, or you will destroy yourself. The rest of the Obelisk is in a safe location.

FKOT: You waste your breath! Come Poopsmith! Join with me!

{The Poopsmith envelops the FKoT. The two merge to become the Ultimate Poop King.}

NIVED: Hmph. I see this is going nowhere. I'll just wait for you to destroy yourselves and then I can pick the shard off your body.

{Nived disappears. A Poopsmith in tarten dress, a kilt and a bagpipe comes in. He holds up a sign saying: "Ach! I be McPoopsmith! And I'm irrelivent!" The barrier of frozen time grows, then begins to break from the rest of the ground.}

KYVES: Unlike Nived, I will make sure you turn to normal!

{Kyves cuts an arm off, but it simply reattaches itself.}

KYVES: Crap.

{The UKP laughs maniacally, but abruptly stops when the shard causes him to explode. The KoT and the Poopsmith, both returned to normal, lie unconscious in an enormous puddle of poop. Nived returns, smirking}

KYVES: I'd better get rid of this.

NIVED: Wait, no!

{The shard shakes as Kyves picks it up, it fires a at Strong Sader, attempting to heal him.}

KYVES: T-tell me where to put it...

NIVED: ...Follow me.

{Kyves follows Nived. Another piece of the Obelisk is sitting}

NIVED: I brought this back. Place it in that, and its stability will return

{Kyves places it in the missing spot}

KYVES: ...What is it... supposed to do.

NIVED: It collects energy nearly flawlessly, transforming things like heat and carbon dioxide into fuel. It also has modes that drain life. Apparently this piece was twisted by the temporal explosion. I should be able to fix it. Because you cooperated, I thank you.

{Nived disappears with it and reappears}

NIVED: You have my allegiance for now, seeing as I need your help for rescuing Darlon too.

{Suddenly, a gigantic pirate ship flies in and lands on the ground. Alt. Ekul (Called Altkul for easy writing, but call him Ekul in dialouge) Altkul climbs on out}

ALTKUL: Where am I? I stood on the toilet to change my clock and fell and hit my head. That's when I got the idea for the flux capacitor- I mean that's when the ship's coordinates led here.

ALT CHWOKA: Hey, Ekul! Glad you made it!

{Altkul and Alt Chwoka hi-five.}

{Cut to Doom Lake. The poopsmith rolls in. SettingDude pops up.}

SETTINGDUDE: That can't be good. Ah well, not my problem.

{Cut to Homestar.}

HOMESTAR: {running} I could just keep wunning forevew! Isn't that wight, Wagon fulla pancakes?

{Zoom out to reveal he was towing the wagon fulla pancakes.}

HOMESTAR: Hey, look, it's penguin guy!

{time freezes and everything turns white. The camera zooms out. Plotman and a nerd walk infront of the screen}

PLOTMAN: PLOT! {rambles 'Plot' again and again.}

NERD: Hello, I'm Plotman's translator. Ahem. "As you can remember, Ekul has a frozen-time barrier. It is constantly expanding. Let me make it visible for you."

{Plotman and the nerd leave, and time unfrezes. The time barrier turns transparently green. Homestar is caught in it and freezes.}

{cut to the two Darlons.}

DARLON: Who are you? I'm Darlon! What do you do? {the frozen time barrier covers him and Alt Darlon}
ALT DARLON: Who are you? I'm Darlon! What do you do? I don't...know...Dude? Hello? Ah, well.

{Alt Darlon walks off sceen. Cut to Altkul. Everything around is frozen, from Kyves in his damaged state, to the sparks of regular Sader. However, Altkul is not and a pulsating glow around Ekul is moving.}

ALTKUL: That looks unhealthy. It's probably absorbing the time I don't care about. Time to go Time tricking!

{Altkul places an anvil right above Meek Sader's foot and a piano over the KoT.}

ALTKUL: Man, everyone's in stony consternation! Heh heh heh.

{Nothing moves}

ALTKUL: You have to admit, it was too funny for any of you to laugh.

{Still frozen, noone can move}


ALT CHWOKA: Um, Ekul...remember that one time we killed Settingdude?

ALTKUL: Hee hee! He struggled under that garbage truck for about an hour.

ALT CHWOKA: Yeah, well, I think that since Time is under SettingDude's umbrella, we're impervious to time being frozen. So, everyone else is frozen in time.

ALTKUL: Yes, yes. Uh, it's kinda boring without people to annoy. Want to thaw them?

ALT VANHOCK: With fire?

{All three alternates look at eachother, bewildered. Then they look evil, then nod.}

ALTERNATES: Oh yeah...


IX1X7a Thanks, useful material I added your blog to my bookmarks!...

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