Wikihood 2/eps/2

From The Wikihood

{Open to Marshmallow's last stand. Everyone is asleep on the floor.}

STRONG SADER: {Computer pings. Strong Sader wakes up.} Ah, scans done. {Checks computer} Woah!

ERIC: {Gets up} What-- {Hits head on table} Toast!!

STRONG SADER: According to this, the program which causes death has been corrupted. I've been rendered immortal!

{Strong Sader's organs retract back into his chest, and the wound heals in five seconds flat.}

CHWOKA: {gets up from under the kitchen counter.} Hm. Janitor must of swept me under.

{Homestar walks in with a mop}

HOMESTAR: What're you kids doing here?

CHWOKA: HOMESTAR is the janitor?

{dun dun dunnn!}

{cut outside, where Darlon is.}

DARLON: Ha. Now they'll never get out.


.R RASMOH: Hahahahahaha! I will enjoy this. {Brings out popcorn}

{Cut back inside Marshmellow Last Stand}

ERIC: Ow... My head hurts... I don't remember what I've eaten. Urgh... I gotta go home. {Goes to door, he tries to open it} Wait. It's locked. OH CRAP!!!

STRONG SADER: Holy crap! That's evil looking guy locked us in!

CHWOKA: Um, you know this place as windows for walls, right? Strong Sader, while he's immortal could smash through the walls.

{cut back outside}

DARLON: You know, Rasmoh, you're less original than me. And you're less evil. So, as a villian-at-large, I have to push you, the small-time villian, in with the good guys to see how evil you are. {shoves .R Rasmoh into Marshmallow's Last Stand.}

STRONG SADER: Crap! Now there's an evil guy in here with us, if you can call him "evil."

CHWOKA: Strong Sader, did you hear what I said?

HOMESTAR: Don't worry, Ch, ch, chwa, Charles, I heard you!

{Homestar plows headfirst through the wall (not a glass one)}


{Strong Sader smashes himself through the window and breaks the glass, cutting himself badly in the process. Everyone runs out the hole and away. Cut to the simulation control enterance hatch.}

STRONG SADER: Okay, more than likely there are more glitches in the system apart from my immortality, so me and Eric are gonna go perform some maintainence to check over the simulation.

ERIC: Yeah, righ-- {Big poof happens, fade to everyone (Except for Homestar and other fictional characters) sitting on chairs with VR helmets on. Eric takes his helmet off.} That's it. It's broken again.

{Real Chwoka (Will) gets out of the simulation}

STRONG SADER: I think I can key us into the maintainence parts of the simulation. I just need a minute.

ERIC: Strong Sader. It's a freaking desktop computer. {Pan to see computer, which is a normal desktop computer on a DOS prompt, the pan back} We don't have to "key into the maintainence parts".

HOMSAR R.: You're not going to fix the Death Glitch, right?

WILL: Ah well, I'll work on it too. {takes off the case of the computer} Ok, there's your problem. Who attached the blue wire to the red one?

ERIC: {Closes the computer case.} Will. SOFTWARE. Not hardware. Software. {Sits on the chair, and starts reading zillion of lines of code., and fixes them, then the power goes out} Oh great. We're on a rainy(sp?) sunday and we got no power to play computer games.

HOMSAR R.: {Whistles}

WILL: Well, it may be a combination of software AND hardware. Plus, now the power's out, so I can't get shocked snipping the wires. Unless there's a reason you switched the wires.

ERIC: IT'S A FREAKING WINDOWS BOX(PC running Windows), It's not hardware fault!!! And the power's out. {Flips light switch many times, nothing happens, still dark.}

STRONG SADER: As soon as the power comes back on, we should test the enviroment to see if there are still faults.

{Powa' comes back on}

HOMSAR R.: Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! {Puts on VR}

ERIC: You never used a computer before, did you? It's still off, dude. {Turns on computer and waits for Windows XP to boot.}

WILL: {puts on VR.}

CHWOKA: Ok, first problem: GOOMBAS.

ERIC: Nah, I'm playing SMB, just that. I'll fix the VR program in a sec.

HOMSAR R.: Duh i've used a computer! I have a website!

STRONG SADER: Why is everybody ragging on me all of a sudden?

HOMSAR R.: Whee ha! {Stomps Goomba}

{Everyone gets in a desktop, mouse is moving around}

ERIC: Don't worry, I just closed the game.

{Homsar R. grabs the mouse}

ERIC: You'll regreat that. {Continues his work, Homsar eventually falls back to the taskbar}

STRONG SADER: Okay, when Eric brings up the simulation program, key in, and look for anything weird.

{Starts throwing the shortcuts all over the screen}

{Eriic double-clicks on "OpenRV 2.0" and loads file "FCUSA.RV", everything flashes back to Wikihood in FCUSA, and Eric appears after some time. The world has a green sky and blue grass.}

STRONG SADER: I have a sneeking suspicion that something has gone wrong.

CHWOKA: Like the fact that I have a baseball cap on?

STRONG SADER: Like the fact that the baseball cap has fused into your skull.

CHWOKA: ...but I'm a shapeshifter. So it dosen't matter. {turns into regular Chwoka, but he's now floating 2 inches off the ground. Goombas appear.}

{A glitched up Gilbert comes on screen.}

GILBERT: Wii r teh chompeeianz!!!11

CHWOKA: I'm getting out of here before anyhting more weird happens. {dissapears in a flash of white. Cut back to the real world.}

WILL: Yeah, now it's more broke. Crud. They're stuck in the simulation now. Luckily I got out soon enou-wait. Comoputer's don't explode in the real world. Then, we were in a simulation inside another simulation, or, or maybe we're in some crazy script thingy. Oh, man. This is deep. I'm going to have a existential crisis now.

{Eric disappears, 10 minutes later everything comes back to normal, and Eric appears again}

STRONG SADER: What the crap just happened?

{Will is huddled in the corner with a blank look on his face.}

ERIC: I reverted the code to the last working saved revision. It was so easy.

WILL: Eric...did you ever think...think that this isn't even the real world? That it's just some crazy script?

ERIC: This is FCUSA.

(OOC: I'm not in the VR machinee, and neither are you. -Will --- I am. -Eric}

STRONG SADER: There's only one way to make sure that the glitches are fixed: Eric, kill me. If I die I'll just come back as a ghost or something anyway.

ERIC: {Cut to a cliff, Eric and Sader are there} You ready?


ERIC: Okay. {Puches SS off the cliff, pan to see SS's ghost behind Eric}

STRONG SADER (GHOST): That'll leave a mark.

ERIC: Hell yeah.

{Credits roll up, episode end.}

IX1X7a Thanks, useful material I added your blog to my bookmarks!...

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