Wikihood 2/eps/18

From The Wikihood

{Scene opens up the same as last time. A black gas comes out of the can. Everyone on the side of good faints.}

WILLON: Perfect. {takes out a VCR tape.} Good thing I recorded the virus on VCR tape.

OTHER CHARACTER: How is that even possible?

WILLON: Aren't you supposed to be unconscious?

OTHER CHARACTER: Sorry. {faints}

{Willon inserts the VCR tape into the machine, and it lights up. Cut to a view of the world. A wave of evil, sadness and glitches begins to spread. Cut back.}

WILLON: Heh heh heh...

{Suddenly, the tower begins to collapse due to the fight.}

NIVED: I'm afraid this fortress is coming apart. Should it explode, I don't think we want to be near it. Willon, shall we flee?

{Homsardude apperes}

HOMSARDUDE: Why the cwap do I keep getting in random places.

Y2K: {echoing voice} I don't know. You should find out soon though, that's all I can tell you.

{A storm starts. Everything begins flooding}

NIVED: Hmm?! It's supposed to be a desert!

{Cut to the bottom of the wreckage on the tower's 67th floor. Strong Sader and Ekul, who fell through the floor in the previous episode are there with minor flesh wounds.}

STRONG SADER: Plotman tells me that the virus was taped out of Strong Bad's coding. The tape was then taken to the simulation's future by Will's future self. Darlon went with them, so we'll have to get that tape back.

{OOC: Strong Bad escaped}

EKUL: Well, you need to get out of here. They still believe you have the coding and you don't want them to know you don't. I'll hold them at bay.

{Cut to the councel chamber, the fighting has been brought under control and the building is being rebuilt.}

DARK SADER: Gentlemen, Darlon is missing. Again. So I have compiled aid for us in the form of the evilest fictional characters in history: {The characters themselves step out of the shadows as they are introduced.} Professor Moriarty, Count Dracula, Dalek Sec from Doctor Who, The murder in that movie "Fargo," Biff Tannen and of course; Evil Lincoln. Ekul and my wishy-washy counterpart however, are still fighting, resisting capture but with no escape. Well, what do you think?

NIVED: Hmm. I'm dissapointed there's no the Master. Anyway, the damage to this building is extensive and accumulating. We must take my most important invention, the Obelisk of Absorbtion, out before they find it.

WILLON: Umm, guys, I'm right here. {pan to reveal he was standing next to Dark Sader.}. Also, which Biff Tannen? And where's Evil Issac Newton!? My instructions on Ekul and Strong Sader? Redeploy the prototype "Make Good Guys Faint" gas in their area, the Nived use his powers to seperate the simulation halves from the real ones in their bodies, destroy the real ones, and then Dark Sader here will give the simulation halves teh virus. Sound good? I know it does, it's a monolouge. Set the plan into action! I'll be monitoring you from the 4th Wall. {walks off, appears infront of the camera.}

NIVED: I doubt the Tower of Darkness will survive.

{Nived leaves and tracks down Ekul and Strong Sader.}

NIVED: One at a time. I'll let Dark Sader handle you.

{Nived uses his power to crash the ceiling down, separating Ekul and Strong Sader}

NIVED: Time to sleep!

EKUL: Oh no you don't!

{As the gas comes out, Ekul condenses it to liquid}

NIVED: Now, before I destroy you, give me the bracelet.

EKUL: The bracelet will never be yours!

NIVED: Unfortunate.

{Nived draws a cutlass similar to Ekul's. They begin an epic battle. Nived has the upper hand most of the time since he has both Ekul's and his own powers. They eventually crash down into the far basement where they separate temporarily. Ekul is in a room with a strange looking reactor}

EKUL: What the snap?

{Ekul looks at it, about to throw a fireball. The person maintaining it, the Blacksmith stops him}

BLACKSMITH: No! Don't! You'll kill everyone!

EKUL: What?

BLACKSMITH: This is a temporal reactor, fueled by time itself. If you damage the reactor, the fabric of spacetime would be damaged

{Nived jumps in}

NIVED: Ah! There you are!

{Nived and Ekul duel more}

EKUL: When I beat you, I will turn this thing off and cut your power!

BLACKSMITH: It can't be done safely. If you attempt to do anything at all, time will be screwed up.

{The DeSaderean crashes through the spacetime continuim and through the temporal reactor. Suddenly, everyone and everything splits into many, many people and things, one for every second they exist. All future characterrs, past characters, and present characters appear. The temporal reactor starts to spark and shake. Suddenly, the tower is struck by lightning. The Ekuls, who are standing right next to it screams out}


{Suddenly, a huge explosion occurs. Many people are thrown clear of the building. However, Ekul is not. There was a terribly ghastly silence. There was a terribly ghastly noise. There was a terribly ghastly silence. All that's left is the top of the tower and the people/ their forms in the reactor.Settingdude appears}

SETTINGDUDE: Oh man. Finally, my chance to shine after Plotman hogs the glory. You guys really screwed this up, this is going to take me at least five episodes to fix. I'm going to have to disable time travel for the length of that time. I'll get to work.

{Settingdude dissapears, and ApocalypX appears.}

APOC: Yet you all still survive. Stop trying.

{ApocalypX decimates everything in a 25 km radius, but people are unscathed.}

APOC: Let that be a warning. {yells} BEGIN THE INVASION!

{ApocalypX disappears.}

Y2K: {echoing voice} Well, unless he's tricking us, you're in trouble.

NIVED: We've no longer have Ekul to worry about. I did a scan, he's completely disappeared. Shame, I really wanted that thing on his hand.

{Cut to the outside of the simulation where Kyves is.}

KYVES: Hmm... They all must have been reunited with their wikihood forms...

GHOST DIGIMASTER: {Appears} Hey... Ekul's friend. Can you help we with something.

{Cut to the basement area of the now desimated tower, Strong Sader is there, and begins to climb through what's left of the elavator shaft.}

STRONG SADER: It's a good thing I stuffed Ekul into my mind before the temporal collapse, being so close to the reactor, he'd probably have been forsed out of existance. How are you doing Ekul?

{Cut to the inside of Strong Sader's mind. There's only the ambassador Ekul}

AMBASSADOR EKUL: Uh, my mind's no longer linked to him! Oh woe is me! My body is dead!

STRONG SADER: Strange, I can still feel my connection to Scout Sader, so Ekul must still exist in some form or another.

AMBASSADOR EKUL: Possibly like losing an arm or leg, where you can still feel it. I'm going to seek counseling.

{Cut to Ambassador Ekul in a lounge chair with Strong Bad standing next to him}

STRONG BAD: So, let's see in this course we got you all the way past shock, denial, bargaining, guilt, anger and now you're at depression! Good job!

STRONG SADER: CRAP! I picked up Strong Bad instad of Ekul! Who knows where in time and space he is now...

AMBASSADOR EKUL: So, you want me to become your new Scout Sader, since the other one perished?

STRONG SADER: {Now at the top of the lift shaft.} No, I don't think so, having had time to mull it over, Ekul and Scout Sader could very well be alive. The problem is finding them...

AMBASSADOR EKUL: Even if he is alive in some time and space, he's completely alone except- wait, where's Bubs, the Blacksmith and Coach Z? I guess they're reprogrammable, at least. Well, there's no way of reaching him, Settingdude says nobody could survive a time travel, so he turned it off.

STRONG SADER: So where ever he is, he's stuck.

AMBASSADOR EKUL: IF he's alive. Also, there IS one way to find out what changed due to time travel. Uh, I was never the Ekul in charge so I don't know, but ask Kyves.

STRONG SADER: Kyves? If you can hear me, could you look for Ekul in the database. Make sure you make a full scan.

KYVES: Oh, you're going to need system more powerful than the simulation for that. I'll be right back.

{A few minutes later, Kyves comes back and logs in}

KYVES: I need to speak with you in private.

{Kyves whispers}

KYVES: Ekul... He's in the past.

{Cut to the past}

SICKER SAM: Yessir, those folks we're weird.

{Ekul matterialises from the paradox created by the temperal generator.}


{Zoom out to see that they're watching a screen}

KYVES: No, much farther back than that. Here.

{A picture appears before and after the Temporal incursion. There's one difference: a large tower is far underground}

KYVES: I have no idea how far back he went.

{Pan up. A portal opens and 3 gunships, 6 dropships (3 with striders, 3 with containers) a Hunter-Chopper and ApocalypX come through the portal. The dropships drop their cargo and fly through the portal before it closes.}

APOC: I wasn't joking.

{The Striders' stand up, and Combine Soldiers march out of the containers. Cut back to the simulation, Strong Sader energes from the remains of the tower, the LoE has moved on from the site. Cut to Marshmallow's Last Stand. The LoE are around the counter.}

VOICE: Umm...uh...I'll take the bacon marshmallow burger, and uh...

WILLON: Why are we even here?

Y2K: {echoing voice} Did Nived take you down there? Hang on.

{A hologram of Y2K appears in front of Nived.}

Y2K: Well? Did you take them here?

NIVED: Take who where? I wish you'd specify.

{Cut to the real world.}


HOMSARDUDE: STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!! It's time for the fortunes of the Rock-Paper-Scissors fortune telling! If you won, go to the mall, thier having a closeout sale! If you tied, Give a good gift to someone you like, and a bad gift to someone you don't. If you lost, You'll die by falling in a manhole.

KYVES: I'm going to check out the site of the temporal disturbance. You with me, Sader?

{Rocks, buildings, trees and ruins of what's left uproot and start to float.}


{Cut to Strong Sader, who is now standing in the wasteland.}

STRONG SADER: {To Kyves} We have to track down Ekul, being in the past he may-

{Strong Sader hears a strange groaning noise. An old and hunderends of years old Ekul emerges from the sand. He is obviously dying. Y2K's hologram appears.}

Y2K: Ekul's dying? If he is, I know how to stop it for a bit. I'll try my best.

{Y2K's hologram is replaced by the real Y2K, who goes over to Ekul and tries to heal him using a matrix generator.}

KYVES: Hm. The best thing would be to save him when time travel works again. When Settingdude is done. How old are you?

EKUL: Uhg... 800... more years... I need the transplant. Ah!

{Ekul falls asleep}

KYVES: Give him credit, he hasn't had food for like a millenium. I'd say I'd better get him home. I got some fish that he can use.

{Kyves carries Ekul into his plane. Cut to the inside of the plane a bit later, still weak but comfortable, Ekul is now awake.}

STRONG SADER: So, Ekul, what happened?

EKUL: Nothing... For... 800 years... Give the temporal reactor a kick, please...

STRONG SADER: Ekul, there's nothing left of the reactor, it was vaporised in the blast.

EKUL: I've... been fixing it... kick it... It won't time travel, just time alter... Please...

{Ekul weakly hands Strong Sader a crudly built time reactor. Strong Sader presses a button and a temeral distortion field is generated around Ekul. Ekul himself slowly reverts back to normal, while his clothes stay old and tatered.}

EKUL: No! Kick it!

{Ekul, senile with age, kicks the reactor. Ekul phases away, and the temporal reactor turns broken again}

KYVES: Well THAT certainly took his sanity. Uh, my guess is that he shifted the area that it landed in somehow. He risked temporal damage... There's no way of knowing where he lives now, if he's alive in this different life. Hey, what's this?

{Kyves picks something up off the ground. A note}

KYVES: "Don't worry guys, I'll come back, but I'm working on something. Do not disturb me or find me. I probably won't even exist in your present. If I do, I'll find you."

PLOTMAN: {Enters dressed as a postman. he gives a letter to Strong Sader, salutes and leaves.}

STRONG SADER: {Opens and reads the letter} "Dear friends, due to the paradoxical nature of temperal transversion, my work is already complete, please meet me in the basement of the remaines of the LoE tower. Signed Ekul, 14th of April 2007."

KYVES: What are you trying to pull, Plotman? There's no such thing as paradoxes. See? That's not even Ekul's signature!

{Plotman removes his costume to reveal he is Ekul in diguise. Kyves kicks him in the face to reveal that it is actually Dark Sader in disguise.}

KYVES: Ekul and I don't believe in time paradoxes.

{Dark Sader's face melts off to reveal that it was Marty McFly in disguise. Marty's face falls off to show that it was Fightgar}

FIGHTGAR: I was just practicing my disguises.

STRONG SADER: Oh, that Fightgar!

{Everybody laughs in the cliché ending form. The scene then abruptly cuts to the end screen. A few seconds after the end scene...}

{Cut to a field. Suddenly a fire bursts from the ground, then Ekul jumps out.}

EKUL: Where am I? When am I?

{Trogdor flies overhead}

EKUL: Trogdor?

{It turns back to the end


CAST (in order of appearence): {{{3}}}



IX1X7a Thanks, useful material I added your blog to my bookmarks!...

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