Wikihood 2/eps/16

From The Wikihood

{Open to Strong Sader's house, Willon is locked in the basement.}

EKUL: That's not going to hold him. Even with my continual icing of the building.

{Ekul's wing is regular colored and limp now. Strong Sader zaps Willon with his finger.}

STRONG SADER: That should stun him for an hour, just give him an hourly top up and everything should be fine. Now, what should we do about the simulation? Willon's trashed the chairs, it's going to take us at least an hour to fix those things, and we may not even have that long.

EKUL: Hmm... Strong Sader, remember back in the simulation? It's either Darlon or Will in power, no? Well, that leads me to the guess that their code are no longer one and the same. The only way to defeat Willon now is to reunite Darlon to Chwoka and Vanhock and make it impossible for Wikihood system to distinguish the two. Then Will can have his dark side balanced with his light.

STRONG SADER: You're right! The three are currently in a constant power struggle, if we can find a way to make some kind of a truce, we'll be able to allow Will to live in the simulation. But how can we make peace between them...

EKUL: I'm not sure. It was Wikihood that split him... Wait a second, is there a way to make a mini-Wikihood?

STRONG SADER: If I can program a Wikihood with adverse effects, then we should be able to repair the damage made to Will psyche, an anti-Wikihood if you will.

EKUL: Now, one hour you say? I can bump it down to 45 minutes.

{Ekul runs to a phone on the wall and dials a number}

EKUL: Hello? Yeah. This is Ekul. I need you to come to Wales immediately.

STRONG SADER: Who'd you just call?

SINGERS: Ghostbuste-

STRONG SADER: NO! {Record scratches}

EKUL: His name is-

{A small plane lands and a humanoid duck walks out}

EKUL: ...Kyves? How did you get here so fast?

KYVES: Oh, you know. I was already going at mach 5 when you called in the direction of this place.

EKUL: Sounds... coincidental

STRONG SADER: Kyves! If I remember correctly we met at that convention last year. If only we had a flashback segment... {Scene dissolves into a flashback} Thank you.

{At a Sci Fi convention, Kyves is hanging around, talking to Chekov}

KYVES: No, my favorite character is Homestar Runner, definitely.

CHEKOV: Go suck a nuclear wessel!

KYVES: Well then. Don't say I didn't warn you when the thing happens

CHEKOV: Well maybe I will!

{Kyves walks away. He goes up to the Doctor Who booth. Strong Sader is taking Tom baker's autograph.}

STRONG SADER: Is it true that you never used to actually watch the series?

KYVES: Ooh! It's Tom Baker! The best Doc! ...Oh, what's your name, fellow?

STRONG SADER: Strong Sader, yours?

KYVES: Kyves. Nice to meet you. Oh, um... This is a... costume

{Fade to reality. Kyves, Ekul and Strong Sader are working on the second simulation program.}

STRONG SADER: I'd say we'll be done in about twenty minutes. I wonder how Homestar, Strong Bad and Cul are doing...

{Cul, Homestar, Strong Bad and The Cheat are in a cell. Homestar wakes up}

HOMESTAR: Augh! It's Mexican independence day!

{The other three awaken}

THE CHEAT: {Simualtanious} MEH NEMEH HEEH?

HOMESTAR: Nah, I'm just kidding!


CUL: You'll have to kill me!

{Cul throws fire into Strong Mad's eyes}

CUL: Everybody run! I'll take care of your brother/friend/random person!

{Cul knocks out Strong Mad and locks him in the cell.}

CUL: Heh heh heh... I love tricking fools like Strong Mad.

STRONG BAD: I say we find the leader of this crap-hole organisation and give him whats coming to him!

CUL: Darlon?

{Cut to Ekul, Strong Sader and Kyves. Kyves finishes repairing a chair as Strong Sader is working on the Sub-Wikihood}

{Cut to inside Will's mind.}

CHWOKA: Ok, I'll seize control-

VANHOCK: Shhhh...Darlon is sleeping...

{Cut to the cell. Willon turns into regular Will and wakes up.}

WILL: It's cold in here....Hello? Did Willon take over? Someone?

{Cut back to Strong Sader and the rest A hologram of Y2K appears.}

Y2K: Where are you guys?

EKUL: This is Strong Sader's house. It's fairly safe here. That reminds me, I have to go check on Willon

{Ekul unfreezes the basement and goes in. The injury on Will's shoulder is apparent}

EKUL: Will, I'm afraid that Darlon has separated himself from the rest of your conscious, which is why he can take complete control. We're working on a sub Wikihood to bring you back to complete Will instead of Bipolar Will.

{Cut to the outside of a throne room looking place.}

STRONG BAD: I think this is where the leader guy is. {Opens the door.} NO! You're the leader of this organisation!?!

{Pan around to show Super Sam in a thrown.}

SUPER SAM: HaaHHHa! You guys SUK!!!!111 LOLOLOLOL!!1

HOMESTAR: The Louie has Aldi-Brand-Man?

NIVED: Yes... {Steps out of the shadows} While in the real world I searched for the most evil creature imaginable, and Sam here was the result.

SUPER SAM: Right! {Cracks open a can of Aldi Brand Cola and guzzles it quickly, before throwing away the empty can.} Kirbys, attack!

{ASCII Kirbys roll from gaps in the walls. Nived once again disappears from sight. Cul gets out a cyber-hammer and smashes the kirbys, one by one.}

HOMESTAR: {Crying} No! Aldi-Brandi-Mandi! Why did you let the Louie get you-who-who...

{OOC: This is just some revenge against Super Sam for his evil, unjust and illegal parody!}

CUL: I got it!

{Cul throws a Bonus Stage at Super Sam}

SUPER SAM: NOOOOOooooooooooo It weakens me...

STRONG BAD: And now to finish you off!

{Strong bad pours Pepsi down the weakened Super Sam's thought.}

SUPER SAM: NO! I CAN ONLY DRINK ALDI BRAND! {Eyes become normal} I feel like I've just been under an evil influence...

STRONG BAD: The Aldi-Brand, it was full of that evil virus! The Pepsi must have neutralised it! We can use it to free the others!

DIGIMASTER: {Walks In} Hey guys I fell like havind a nice can of Aldi Brand Cola. {Opens a can}

EVERYONE: {Slow motion} NOOOOOooooooooooo

{Homsardude1 falls through the roof}

HOMSARDUDE1: Um, where the cwap am I?

HOMESTAR: Where are all these strange guys coming from?

DIGIMASTER: Fine, if you guys really want some. {Chucks Aldi Brand Cola at Homestar, drenched in the LoE's virus, he turns evil.}


HOMSARDUDE1: Eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

{Homestar rips out Homsardude's heart and farts out his soul. Homsardude respawns.}

DIGIMASTER: Hmmmm.... maybe you need some Pepsi. {Chucks Pepsi at Homestar}

{Cut to somewhere else, Eric is standing there. The Pepsi hits his head}

ERIC: Ow! What the crap?

{Cut back to Digimaster}

HOMSARDUDE: Digimaster, please tell me where I am! I'm getting agitaded.

DIGIMASTER: Your next to me. -_-

HOMSARDUDE: No, seriously, where am I?

CUL: Uh, it's a prison cell. I can only fathom why everybody's coming into this prison cell. My only conclusion is that this is the new spawn point or something. It's getting rather crowded in here.

{Cut back to the real world.}

STRONG SADER: Codings done, lets patch Will in.

{Kyves connects Will to the machine}

EKUL: Alright, begin reintegration...

{The program begins to run and pulls Darlon, Chwoka and Vanhock into the SubWikihood. The three consciousnesses stay where they are, but the files are identical now}

EKUL: My guess is that Darlon wanted to be a moderator without his two counterparts

{Cut outside before the merging. Will turns back into "Super" Willon. Cut back to the merge screWillon takes off the helmet and flies off.}

EKUL: He broke out of the simulation without Chwoka and Vanhock. We really should have made it impossible to log out before we put him in. Right Kyves?

{Pan over, Kyves isn't there. Ekul runs out, and sees Kyves getting into his plane}

KYVES: That guy must be stopped

EKUL: Use this!

{Ekul grasps Kyves' hand, and a glowing ring around Ekul's hand is transferred to Kyves.}

KYVES: Thanks.

{Kyves takes off. Kyves tracks Willon. Before he reaches him, Kyves leaves his plane on autopilot and travels by wing. Finally he catches up}

KYVES: So, your the friend that they're trying so hard to stop without killing. I ask, are you prepared for facing me?

WILLON: I might not, but I'm getting stronger every second. Like...{charges a shot where Kyves can't see} this. {Fires, but it reflects off Kyves}

{Pan to show that Strong Sader and Ekul are catching up fast in the "Sader Copter." The Batman TV Show theme starts in the background. Pan down to reveal Homsardude tied to a rope on the bottom.}


{Willon sees this coming, and blasts the spinning blades off the Sader Copter. It plummets to the ground.}

WILLON: I'd love to stick around, but I gotta go to the past.

{Willon flies away at 88 mph, and leaves a trail of fire where his feet were.}

KYVES: Heh. He doesn't know my powers doews he?

{OOC:How did you get out of the simulation and into Wales so fast, Homsardude?}

{Kyves looks at the falling copter and slows it from falling, then sets it down}

KYVES: I've got magnetism powers. Get in my plane.

{cut to 1936. Willon comes in, infront of Sacul, although he is grey instead of blue and he has short black hair.}

SACUL: Zounds! A scoundrel!

{Sacul's hand glows and he catches fire}

SACUL: Well, then. Show me what you've got.

{Three sonic booms blast through the air. The Sader Coper (Which has now morphed into a DeLorean looking car) appears with ice over it.}

SACUL: What happens?

{Kyves jumps out and aims at the sky above Willon. Suddenly, a hole in the magnetosphere occurs, and a magntic funnel leads it right to Willon. The scorching sun's rays torrent down on Willon}

EKUL: Wait! We don't want to KILL him!

KYVES: If he comes in a near death experience, it will swap with one of his others.

SICKER SAM: What in the name of pie is going on her?

SACUL: I wish I could tell.

{Willon falls unconscious. Strong Sader slings him into the DeSadean.}

STRONG SADER: Sorry to interupt, reality control.

EKUL: We must completely knock- Oh, hey me. I don't remember this, but I guess time changes. I still have you in my head! Anyway, we ought to do... THIS!

{Ekul freezes Willon completely}

EKUL: Kyves, give me the band.

{Kyves links wings with Ekul. A glowing band goes from Kyves' hand to Ekul's.}

EKUL: Ah. Much easier now. Let's go.

(OOC: I was about to post Willon doing something! I HATE EDIT CONFLICTS!)

{OOC: Please remember language}

STRONG SADER: Actually... no!

{Strong Sader turns around and turns into Dark Sader.}

DARK SADER: When Strong Sader entered into the simulation, I inserted myself in and logged out under the premis that Okul was trying to kill me. Now to unfreeze Darlon... {Smashes the ice}

{Ekul's power over Willon slips}

EKUL: Augh! You didn't give it to me in time!

{DeLorean explodes in a fireball. Willon has no Chwoka or Vanhock in his head. He wakes up, and freezes time.}

WILLON: I'm getting...really...powerful. {Writes a note saying "GOODBYE, PENNILESS SAPS!" and travels through time again with Dark Sader. Time unfreezes.}

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Egads! Who are you, spooks?

{OOC: Uh... Dark Sader is in the program, not with Strong Sader.}

{Cut to the future.}

DARK SADER: Good thing I left a duplicate program of myself in the simulation.

WILLON: Dark Sader, look for the future Nived. I'll be looking for someone VERY special...

{Cut to the past}

EKUL: Well, there's only one thing to do, and only Kyves can do it.

{Ekul give it back}

KYVES: I won't let you down.

{Kyves runs to a plane and jumps in. Unbeknownest to him, The Sneak is in it as well. He flies it stight towards the sun. He directs the suns rays behind him, boosting him foreward fast. Then, he uses the sun to go to light speed. Cut to the future. The 1936 airplane stalls and Kyves jumps out}

KYVES: Now... Time to find out what they're up to...

{Kyves puts a magnetic sheild to deflect radar rays. Cut back to the duo of bad guys. A penguin walks up}

PENGUIN: Hey, I'm the future Nived. Now, I'm a little sketchy on the details so you guys are going to have to explain everything.

WILLON: That was..surprisingly easy. Ok, you're in the LoE, right?

DARK SADER: I think that's been established.

NIVED: It's not called that. That name was declared obsolete. We renamed it the Coalition of Destruction

WILLON: I'm fine with that. It's a bit less broad than "Evil", but ity's not my choice. Now, I need you to take me to your leader.

DARK SADER: {Whistles and points at himself} Yo.

NIVED: It's a three man council now, but there is a chief.

{Nived gives him a GPU}

NIVED: Follow this map. I have to remain here. for now

{Cut to the LoE satellite in the simulation of the future. Darlon is standing at the front desk of the boss.}

FEMININE VOICE: ...Dad? You don't look quite the same...

{Dark Sader;s eyes turn blue.}

MEEK SADER: Rebelion successful! Dark Sader is overthrown! Hey, look! It's Darlon's evil daughter!

DARLON: You really shouldn't have blown your cover like that.

{Cut outside. Meek Sader is shot out the airlock.}

INTERCOM: You have roughly 4 seconds to stay conscious.

{Cut to Future Nived, who goes into the past. HE comes out}

EKUL: Who are you? Wait... I know you... You're Cul!

CUL: Yep. I fooled those guys in the future into thinking I was Nived after tying Nad up. So, this is Sacul. Hey, Sacul!

SACUL: Am I to realise you're both my future forms

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh dear. There's two guys from the future. Do you have more gruel in the future?

{Cut to space. On the verge of death, Meek Sader is scooped up by future Kyves' ship.}

ZYVES: Hey, Meek Sader. How's it going?

MEEK SADER: Need...air...

{Eyes turn orange.}


STRONG SADER: My consciousness is still in turmoil...

ZYVES: Just take a rest. You're inside my ship now.

{Stinkoman comes in}

STINKOMAN: Hey! Who's this wierdo?

ZYVES: Oh, I forgot. The simulation was fused into reality in about 50 years of your future.

5-3D: Hey, Dad! How are things?

STRONG SADER: {Pupils contract, and starts breathing heavily.}

EKUL SADER: Kyves! Ah, it's me! Ekul. I have an abassador. I think you need to put his other consciousnesses in stasis.

{All but Strong and Meek Sader are extracted.}

STRONG SADER: So, what happened here? How did you get out of the past?

{Ship rumbles.}

STRONG SADER: What the crap was that?!

{A trash can forms on the floor, Ekul and Cul get out}

EKUL: Hey guys. Where's Kyves?

ZYVES: Uh... He's not with you?!?

{The ship rumbles again. A ship docks on, and Kyves gets out}

KYVES: The CoD is in control of half the earth...

ZYVES: Oh, hey Kyves!

KYVES: Ah, it's me!


{Cut to the bad guys. Nad runs up, looking tense}

NAD: DARLINITE! Cul posed as me! And even worse, get temporal shields up! There's a temporal incursion coming! Somebody really screwed up the past!

{Cut to the past}

THE STRONG BAD: Where's my plane!? Where's the Sneak?

|)-3D: That could get potentially serious. Send a time squad to set the timeline in order.


LARRY 3000: This is the lamest crossover ever.

{Cut to the engine room. !-Up (as a janitor) is sleeping in a chair. A laser burst through the wall, and the engine is destroyed.}

1-UP: {Wakes up} Oh no! {being sucked out the air lock} Code Red! Get to the escape pods! NOW!

NAD: We can't! It's the wave!

{The temporal sheilds are put up just as the wave hits.}

NAD: Okay, now nobody can leave the ship until history is corrected.

{1-Up struggles to the door and shuts it. Cut to Zyves}

STRONG SADER: What is going on!?

ZYVES: Temporal incursion!

{Zyves gets into the cockpit and puts up Temporal shields}

ZYVES: Someone screwed up the past.

{The Sneak races out of the airlocka and bites Zyves' butt. He gets shocked}

ZYVES: Don't bite me! I've got cybernetic enhansements.

THE SNEAK: {Farts}

KYVES: Wait a second... Oh no... I know what the incursion is-

{The Sneak jumps back into the ship and it takes off at warp}

KYVES: Oh NO! That's our only way to repair the past!

STINKOMAN: I'll take care of this!

{Stinkoman fires a photon torpedo at the ship. It explodes with The Sneak inside.}



EKUL: I guess all we can do is to repair the past by saving the Sneak from Kyves

{Kyves looks nervous}

{The ship has a hole blasted through it by the CoD sattelite.}

STINKOMAN: Patch the hole!

STRONG SADER: I don't think we'll have a chance...

{The ship and its occupants dissappear BttF style.}

{Cut to the presesent. It is a desolate wasteland. Will crawls up.}

WILL: WhO aRe YoU?

EKUL: Uh, wrong place.

{Ekul takes Will back into the ship. The ship materializes in the past again, before the DeSaderan appears. Ekul, Stinkoman and Strong Sader come into the past. Willon appears}

EKUL: Oh! This is my chance!

{Ekul freezes Willon}

EKUL: This won't change Willon in the future, but it will give us a Will, maybe.

{The Desaderan comes in and crashes into Willon. It explodes. Kyves gets into the plane. Strong Sader smuggles The Sneak off the scene.}


{The future realligns itself.}

STRONG SADER: We've just wasted an entire episode, haven't we?

EKUL: Not necessarily.

PLOT GENTLEMAN: I shall repair the plot.

{Everyone leaves. The scene abruptly changes to Strong Sader's house. Will is plugged into the Sub-Wikihood. A temporal shift happens, and Will is gone. The house is in a very unclean state.}

STRONG SADER: Yup. One full wasted episode.

{"The End" screen}


CAST (in order of appearence): {{{3}}}



IX1X7a Thanks, useful material I added your blog to my bookmarks!...

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