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Category:Hero System

From Stormravengaming

Guidelines for Hero System Categories

Please conform to the following guidelines when creating and using categories for Hero System articles.

Guidelines for new categories

  • Make sure to make each new Hero System category a subcategory of this master category or of another Hero subcategory.
  • Whenever there is a reasonable chance that a new Hero System category might be confused with a similar category for another game system, it should begin with the text Hero to distinguish it. For instance, use the category name "Hero characters" rather than the more generic name "Characters."
  • When using the text Hero as the beginning of a category name, use the category pipe trick to sort the category according to the next word in its name. For example, use [[Category:Hero characters|Characters]].

Guidelines for articles

  • An article should always be placed in at least one, but possibly more than one, category.
  • An article should be placed in the most specific category(ies) possible. For example, a player-character in the game Hyperverse should go in the category Player-characters in Hyperverse rather than the higher-level categories Hero player-characters, Hero characters, or Hero System.

Articles in category "Hero System"

This category contains only the following page.

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