
From Storing Don

kPzLG7 Hi! Everyone who reads this blog - Happy Reconciliation and Accord..!



Xan has a friendly-mean personality. Meaning that Xan is very friendly to many people, he likes to talk, when he meets a person he wants to become friends with them. The Praetorian doesn't believe it but, every one knew he is a handsome man. When he is talked about being mean he is literally mean he doesn’t take any chances when he is guarding the Empress. He always is different around the Empress, he always analyzes everyone who is speaking with her, trying to figure if that person is plotting or just here friendly conversation.


Xan is a very handsome man, a better looking person from the slums of Endal. He has long light brown hair fading into a darker shade of brown. His eye color is dark brown, very close to looking black. He is not skinny but not a muscular man he, he has some muscle on him, so he would be called “very toned” to some people. When he has no shirt on you can see the muscle on his abs.

He has a small cut on his left pec he has a small cut from falling on a sharp rock when he was trying to steal some food. His lower body his muscular also. Xan has very thick thighs, of all the training from his heavy claymore. He has a tattoo on his left arm. People say it looks like an eye of a phoenix, but other people think it is an eye of a Dragon.

Xan wears the typical armor of Praetorian, armor covering his body that is colored purple, the national color. Under is armor he has a sleeveless shirt that covers his body but shows his muscular arms and his tattoo on his left arm. He also has arm guards and shoulder guards on his armor. Xan also has long purple pants. His sword is carried on his back vertically and his lance and axe on his back diagonally.


“Outskirts of Endal, one of the worst places in to live when you are a child, but why do I still come here?" Xan looked around and sees that his hometown is still in a bad condition, children playing in the road with their smudged faces and loose teeth, animals attacking kids, and children running away from city with food in their hands so they can survive. The Praetorian then feels a small thud on his leg and looks down he sees a small child on the ground crying. He kneels down and asks,

“Why are you crying?” The child looks up with his dirty face and shaggy hair and says, “I have n-n-n-nothing to eat and the big kids always take away my food when I get some.” The guard smiled and pulled out a sweet piece of candy and told him to eat it quickly. The child did and smiled at him and ran off. Xan then walked away smiling thinking about many things about himself and what he should be doing.

Xan was born in a small family never knowing his dad, never knowing his last name, never knowing what his father was. His mom slept with everyone. So for all Xan cared his father was a rapist. When the child was born he was stamped with a tattoo, he never knew who gave it to him or why it was given to him. When he was born his mother never took care of him the only thing she did was feed him until he was old enough to walk and talk. The child was with the wrong crowd all the time, he stole food and barely got to eat it because it was always taken from him and always pushed around.

One day on his sixth birthday Xan was walking to city and saw a few Royal Guards walking around. The child looked up at them and saw they were very strong and well respected from the other people around. With them looking at them Xan saw that he had a chance to steal some food, he casually walked to the bread car and slyly put the bread under his shirt and ran off, he heard a man screaming and he looked back, but he wasn’t chasing him so the child looked in front of him and saw the a Imperial Guard member in his way so he quickly stopped and dashed into the alley way.

Xan made quick turns from each alley way, suddenly he felt himself trip and land on a sharp rock. The pain was excruciating and he couldn’t help himself from not to scream. When he got up blood was coming out from his left abdomen, he then felt a strong man’s hand on his body, and he was forced to the ground by him and saw the Royal guard patching Xan up. He felt him pick him up and walked away. The child then knew that he wanted to become a member of the Imperial Guard.

Xan didn’t tell anyone that he was going to become a Guard because he didn’t want anyone to know, but in his heart he had nobody to tell. Everyone who he hanged out with slowly drifted away from Xan, until only Xan was by himself. Everyday after the incident he went up to the Endal Training grounds skills. Then four years later the kid was 20 years old and he was ready to join the, but people were saying that he was a person that would be psychically inadequate for being a solider and look more handsome to be more muscular, so he trained even harder and by the time he was 25 he was respected by many people. One day a well renowned blacksmith came to Xan and ask to make a weapon for him. The soldier was flabbergasted by this it took him a while to tell him what he wanted. When he told him the blacksmith was off and created his sword that he wanted.

Five years later the solider was 30 and was muscular and was finally ready to be promoted to Praetorian. He was still in the army, but he was sometimes a leader of a few hundred men. Within the years he was learning to use an axe and a lance from a seasoned Praetorian, he had taken the Imperial Guard Court.

Xan was surprised by them leading him here. Although when they asked him to become a member, Xan refused for now. He refused because his was not proficient in his combat style. Xan knew he was just physically strong, but he lacked skill. So Imperial Guard approved of this and told him that when he felt skilled enough he could join them. Xan nodded and waited until he was 40 to ask to join the Imperial Guard, the members gladly accepted and Xan dream was fulfilled.

Xan now 45 and a respected man in the army of Endal; he now is one of the guards of the Empress. However he still believes that he is not good yet skilled enough, but every one knows that he is one of the most trustworthy men of Endal.

Xan gave a smile and chuckled a bit. He was amazing how much he exceeded from that day when he was inspired to become a member of the Imperial Guard. So he just smelled the air and quickly breathed it out because of the nasty stench. He then fixed his hair and touched his coat away from his arm and faded out into the distance to his house in the alleys.

Combat Statistics

Praetorian (#1)

Weapon Levels: Swords-B, Lances-C, Axes-C


Claymore - Great Broadsworded Perfectly Balanced Heavy Mithril Armorslayer and Beastslayer Keen Edged Sword

Brave Lance - Heavy Mithril Brave Lance

Wind Axe - Enchanted(Wind) Killer Curved Mithril Armorslayer Axe

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