Vynir Naraskedal

From Storing Don


Vital Statistics

Nation: Lequall

Rank: Head Spy of HG

Age: 28

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 158lbs.


Calculating to a fault, Vynir nearly overthinks everything even while thinking of how not to overthink things. He is easygoing and never gets offended, but because his mind is so sharp and his instincts so quick, he's not very trusting and is an overly suspicious person. An extreme rationalist, he is as close as a native Lequallian can get to having little pride and not doting on Ahura. He has a great sense of humor and can adapt to any situation, but never before the speaker gains his trust. He is very optimistic, as well as determined, and can turn around almost any negative happening


Vynir is undersized, thin, and pale by Lequallian standards, with only faint traces of a tan. He has virtually no muscular build, is very short compared to his peers, and even appears fragile at first sight. However, the glint in his eyes is unparalleled, and when in battle, he is as fast as any. His light brown hair is hidden beneath a purple bandana tied around his head. A silver earring adorns his left ear and a large ring with multiple jewels is always on his right ring finger, signifying him as a member (albeit not quite an active one) of the Taelan Party. His eyes often appear lazy, half-open, but whatever parts of the hazel eyes can be seen are always gleaming excitedly. He has no facial hair and a very pointed chin. In public he wears a simple, thick robe that makes him look less skinny and is golden in color; his work and assignment outfit is a tight chestnut-colored bodysuit with a long left sleeve and no right one, allowing his primary arm freedom of movement. He often ties a golden blue jacket or cloth around his waist, for unknown purposes.


Vynir was born to a young, single mother, his father having died of disease two months prior to his birth. The father had been ten years older than the mother, quite wealthy, for he was one of Lequall's famous weaponsmiths. He had amassed a large amount of money by catering exclusively to swordsmen, who would go out of their way to purchase his special wares. When he died, nearly all of his money was left to her. Because she had originally been of House Naraskedal in the first place, and therefore a noble, this gave her unbelievable amounts of money. Vynir grew up in want of nothing save for a father figure. Because no man was ever around to teach him the finer points of being a man, he was never strong throughout his childhood and remained quite reserved until he was 10. From the youngest age that he was able to comprehend the magnitude of the Marshal Houses, he never felt a connection to House Naraskedal, and disregarded his part in it.

At that time, during a visit with his mother to the merchant bed section of the Agoge, he found himself faced with the Training Complex, and felt compelled to enter. He witnessed spectacular shows of skill from both grown fighters and young men out to prove themselves. Even children his own age whose parents were involved with the military and Lequall's militaristic culture hung around the premises. Fascinated by what he saw there, he began convincing his mother to take him back, where he gradually became willing to participate in sparring matches with other children. Because he was weak, his favored weapons were small wooden knives, which were at a disadvantage to the longer swords and poles others used. Though he would often lose, he would compensate for that by taking the other kids' items out of retribution. Eventually, that itself became a skill that he would hone while there.

As he matured, he came to realize that his personal skill did not have to be in strength, but in speed, and he became accustomed to winning matches by dodging circles around his opponents and knocking them out from behind. She found it disapproving compared to other activities he could be engaging him, and yet his mother always supported him, even agreeing when he decided that he would take his skills and his knack for causing opponents to underestimate him into the Lequallian National Guard, where he hoped he would acquire the items of his desire through his adventures. He had become quite a good thief, and though it wasn't the most pure profession, there was no denying his proficiency in it.

Immediately he was placed into a company that was structured around spies and their bodyguards, and just as quickly he proved himself as a competent spy, assassin and thief, eventually rising to the head of the company. Lequall's upper military echelons were always of the view that any activity that contributed to Lequall was honorable, even thievery, and as the young man displayed his still rapidly increasing skills of speed and pickpocketry, his reputation exponentially grew. He was still quite young when the Hoplon Guard was conceived of, and as soon as the project was completed he was informed of it and took an immediate interest. No members of the Hoplon Guard were allowed to have a connection to the Marshal Houses, it was decided, and so he was faced with the choice of missing the opportunity or abandoning his house. It was not hard for Vynir, who was a Naraskedal in nothing but name, to abolish his ties to House Naraskedal and be drawn into the elite Hoplon Guard; he had come to be known as one of the best spies Lequall had, and the HG no doubt had need for at least one. Once the structure was finalized and he completed several assignments with perfection, it was decided that he would become one of the Sub-Guards serving under the newly christened commander, Asvaen Dastient.

Even though his activities outside of work aren't always in the best judgement, there is no denying his usefulness inside it. In addition, the Grand Marshal feels even more compelled to trust him because he is a Naraskedal, aware that he deserted the house but having the presence of mind to understand it was to serve in an even greater role.

Combat Statistics

Rogue (#11)

Weapon Levels: Swords - A


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