Vexera Amakiir

From Storing Don

WRHLit Last a few years has been to Ibiza, so met a person there whose style of presentation is very similar to yours. But, unfortunately, that person is too far from the Internet!...



Vexera’s appearance is rather odd. Starting at the top, she has thick black hair pulled back into dreadlocks, occasionally adorned with red or purple beads. Her skin is pale, though free of blemishes or scars, thanks in large part to her lack of outdoor time. Her face can be described as cute if one’s feeling generous, but is nothing really remarkable. Her green eyes, though… her eyes seem to take in every detail almost immediately, and she has a tendency to slowly scan the room while bored, analyzing everything in turn.

The girl is unhealthily thin and lithe, though she’s actually proud of both of them – to her, they’re simply indicators that she’s spent more time concerned with her pursuit of Arcane knowledge then with chasing men. She almost looks as if she has a fire raging within her – she’s driven, moves with intensity, and has a blazing glare, but is both underweight and sickly… She wears purple and red robes, though they’re a little shabby at the moment. Her spellbook and a pouch with several minor tools adorns her belt, and thin but sturdy boots cover her feet. The young woman looks like just any other eccentric mage, though she hopes to become so much more…


Vexera is a driven woman. Obsessive almost to a fault, she is extraordinarily driven with regards to completing assignments, and most of all, personal goals. Being as intelligent and talented as she is, she’s more than a little arrogant – though she knows not to try to talk herself up in front of those who are more powerful or important than she is. She has an extremely curious nature, and enjoys figuring out and solving problems. Vexe is very confident in nearly every aspect of herself, and doesn’t let passing impulses or minor problems deter her. She’s actually not that bad at dealing with other people when she has to – it’s just something that makes her uncomfortable, almost to the point that she’s scared of doing so.

Vexera, however, has several notable negative traits. She’s rather vindictive, and holds grudges for a very long time. She dislikes other peoples sympathy, and being fussed over when she’s sick. The mage likewise dislikes interactions with large groups of people, and will try to dismiss herself from extremely social situations. She dislikes people who judge based on first appearances, or on appearance at all – as such, she has a slight dislike for “attractive” people, as she does not number among them. Finally, she can be rather coldhearted, and isn’t the most nurturing of people.


Vexera (though she prefers to be called Vexi) hasn’t exactly had the easiest life, nor one that many people would envy. Meghara (her mother)’s husband, Nathano, had been arrested for both desertion and theft by Endal’s army some four months prior, and was serving a five year sentence in a prison several hundred miles away. With no real friends, and her husband having both stopped sending both money and letters to her, Meghara was alone when she gave birth to little Vexera in the center of their tiny house in the middle of the night, with both mother and daughter screaming and crying in the dead of the night.

Neither of Vexe’s (as she prefers to be called) parents were… well, any good. Her mother named her Vexera, an arcane and rather esoteric word that roughly translates into the word “Curse”. Furthermore, she paid very little attention to her girl, or indeed to much of anyone. After she gave birth, she gradually began to just… stop. Staring off into space for hours, often forgetting what she was doing or where she was, Meghara slowly atrophied and wasted away, dying when Vexera was seven. Her father was eventually executed for attempting to kill his cellmate, and Vexera was never informed – or told, really – how, or when, or why her father had tried to kill the man, merely that he’d died around the time she was four.

The young girl had been quite precocious, speaking and walking when she was still very young. Vexera was quite sickly as a child (and still, to a lesser extent, is) though wether this was an innate aspect of her person, or due to the overall poor care her mother could or did provide, is difficult to discern. She’d actually managed to read several of the few books her mother kept in their rather small house, and she’d yearned to read more. The young girl had little to do, other than help her mother maintain their house and play with her only doll, a rather disheveled one she’d named after her mother. Vexera wasn’t terribly good at making friends – her extremely low family status, odd mother and missing father, and frequent sicknesses making her something of a peculiarity.

However, after her mother died, the girl obviously wasn’t going to be able to live on her own. Local authorities quickly swooped down and took Vexe to the city orphanage, where she definitely did not fit in. The sickly, pale skinned and black haired girl wasn’t particularly sociable, nor was she cute or funny (she laughed at things, but mostly it was at people, to herself) so… she quickly became the target of a fair amount of teasing. Vexera was a little socially awkward, but she certainly had a high opinion of herself, and was not one to back down when she was being picked on – often giving as good as she was getting. She was actually proud to be by herself, since it meant that everything she accomplished could be attributed solely to her, not to anyone else. Vexera was certainly justified in being proud – she was able to read and write at a level far beyond her age.

One day, a day that should have been terrible but instead turned out to be a turning point in her life, Vexera entered her room to see that her doll – the last, and probably most significant reminder of her mom – had been smashed to pieces. Bolting out of her room, she quickly found the boy responsible for it and confronted him. He laughed in her face, bragging to those who could overhear how he’d decimated her toy. Almost incoherent with repressed rage and sadness, the girl thrust both hands forward to choke him, and instead summoned forth a blast of flame, setting both herself and the bully on fire.

After a very, very long night, the young woman (now thirteen) was transferred from the Orphanage where she had been staying, to a private school where nobles would frequently send their children… with Vexera being a charity case. Not fitting in, and not caring, Vexe buried herself in her studies, easily surpassing the other students even when she put forth no effort, and absolutely demolishing them when she prepared and practiced. Eventually, her time at the academy came to an end, and the young woman graduated with a one hundred percent flawless record – a feat that had not been achieved in the academies thirty year history. However, lacking both the funds to acquire further training, and the likable, bubbly personality most of the other girls her age possessed that allowed them to attract husbands (plus, her appearance by now had become even odder), the young woman decided upon a course of action. She would mail the Empress herself, and request that the lands, and arguably THE strongest spellcaster on all of Maris, teach her herself – as she possessed, in her opinion, an almost unmatchable potential.

Battle Statistics

  • Class: Mage
  • Level: 1
  • Weapon Levels: Anima - E


Anima – Fire - Flurry of Flame (+1 Burst AoE)

  • Vexera’s spell, it’s still rather simple. A large burst of Fire ignites when she completes the sequence of hand movements and then snaps her fingers. She typically tries to avoid too much collateral damage.
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