Venje Tyrane

From Storing Don


Vital Statistics


Nation: Endal

Rank: Head of Magic Warfare

Age: 18

Height: 6 '2

Weight: 176


Venje is a total introvert, his feelings are rarely shared and only through his closest companions will they be revealed. Venje however isn't quiet about his opinions and if he has a problem he will say it. The only things that are concealed is his feelings. He desires nothing, but to avenge his sister. Rather rude to some, Venje is often seen as a cynic. Darkened opinions on many things, including death and battle. Venje is very aggressive, and quick to pick a fight. A bright flame burns through him, he is very emotional however he conceals that most of the time.


Venje wears a black cape, and a red jacket with a leather collar. He is seen wearing his collars up to the sides of his face. Mostly to hide facial expressions, or to talk under his breath. He has long hair that leads down to near his shoulders. He has a leather strap on the inside of his cloak where he keeps his tomes and keepsakes. On his hands he wears black gauntlets with metal plates on them.


Venje grew up with his sister up 'till the age of 12; he would travel alongside his sister as she committed her less than noble deeds. At age 12 Lust had left Venje on the side of the street because she couldn't let him live with her. He was still a delicate child and had roamed the street for an entire year. Throughout the year he had been mugged, attacked and nearly raped. Throughout the time he had taught himself to fight, and became a sort of scrapper. After one fight he had lost and was found bloodied on the side of the street. The King, Aurieus had took him under his wing as an apprentice. Venje reluctantly agreed, after taking in account of his lack of money and ability to support himself. He was taught the art of magic, mostly focused on the fire spells. In the castle he spent time by himself constantly practicing only visited by Aurieus. He spent five years in solitude training his skills and had even mastered some of the basic spells without tomes. He also, has an unusual combination of fighting with knives, fists and magic; which has proved to be quite lethal. At the age of 18, his sister Lust dies and Aurieus acknowledges his students advancement; and grants him sub-commander in magical warfare. Venje is proud to be the student of Aurieus, though he has died is a burning light of example for Venje. He remains true with the same loyalty to all future emperors.

Combat Statistics

Pyromancer (#10)

Weapon Levels: Anima (Fire Mastery) - A


Elfire, Firestorm, Firewall, Fire, Combat Knives, Rain of Fire

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