
From Storing Don

The Paragon of Lightning

Epic Area of Effect (Wide Burst) Impacting Purifying Artillery Lightning Spell

Vajra is the trademark spell of the Nabatan Magister. When unleashed, a titanic surge of lightning in the shape of a dragon soars down from the heavens and crashes into the targeted area. The sheer amount of energy used by this spell is enough to obliterate organic matter at a cellular level; essentially turning those caught in its radius to dust (save those with intense magical protection). Anyone that survived the blast will inevitably find themselves on the ground, unable to move due to the sheer amount of magical energy they were struck with. Vajra is especially potent against the hordes of darkness, as its origins are as the light of the heavens.

Unlike a vast majority of super-powered spells, which manifest themselves only in tome form, the power of Vajra is commuted through magical imprints on the arm. When the spell is not being utilized, these marks are invisible. However, when it is cast, arcane symbols erupt in violet light all over the caster's arms. This isn't to say that Vajra doesn't have a tome, however; the book is used as a guide to apply the casting marks and as a history of Vajra itself. The cover is an obscure myriad of different colors, swirling together vaguely as if it were a living work of art. Arcane marks can be seen through the mystical veil, as well as the vague silhouette of a great dragon. Within, the words on the pages dance, flicker and change colors before the reader's eyes. As such, only the most magically attuned individuals are capable of reading this book.


Created in the years immediately prior to the Sundering by Vayla Arcantine. At the time, she was searching for a way to use her own dragonbreath in spell form; however, the most she could use was a weak burst of lightning that hardly had any practical applications in combat. Eventually, however, she developed a way: over ten years, she channeled a small amount of her power into a tome, while subsequently writing in the details of the spell she was creating and enchanting the tome to preserve the spell's secrecy. At the end of this period of time, she illustrated an image of her deceased father on the front of the tome and wrote a brief history of her people after finishing the spellwork itself.

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