Ulrich von Reichter

From Storing Don


Vital Statistics

  • Name: Ulrich von Reichter
  • Nation: Ainor
  • Rank: Runaway Prince
  • Age: 16
  • Height: 5'4"
  • Weight: 126 lbs
  • Hussar Level 1
  • Weapon Levels: Bows {B}, Swords {D}, Lances {C}


  • Percinet (PRF) (Almost just like his father's bow).
    • Killer Composite Shortbow
      • Slayer Arrows
        • Mithril Beastslaying Arrows
      • Piercer Arrows
        • Mithril Armourslaying Arrows
      • Mithril Arrows
        • Keen Mithril Arrows
  • Lancumonde
    • Steel Serrated Edge Guard Spear
  • Rapier
    • Iron Killer Basket-Hilted Hand Sword


Ulrich didn't really ask to be a prince. He tries to stay optimistic towards life, but doesn't feel he has the blessing of the gods. He never thinks he'll live up to his father's greatness. In battle, he fights proudly, not to kill, but to protect. He is not bloodthirsty, but he detests morphs and other horrific monsters that have no good in their hearts. He will strike them down with little mercy, in the name of St. Elimine and in the name of Ainor. He is very proud of his country, but insanely restless and bores easily. He hates being the center of attention.


Ulrich is a red-haired man who wears a long red frilled cape over red Ainori hussar armor. His hair is tidy, yet it falls on his face at odd angles. It is a vibrant red-brown that his family was known for. It is cut short to the back of his neck. His chin his small and his eyes are a soft brown, but they seemed to pierce into the soul of anyone he is staring at. He has begun to grow a goatee. He intends to keep it as a goatee. He is an average, almost small man. Some of his nobles tower above him. He is somewhat muscular, but he is not a hulk. He wears the typical red armour of a Hussar, with a leopard skin cape draped on it and decorative "wings" on his back. He has a soft brown horse.


Born the eldest son of Meinhard von Reichter, Ulrich was raised in the palace to be a king from an early age. Because he was the son of the king, everyone expected him to do what was right and proper. He grew up to be well-mannered, and he didn't eat too much, not wanting to appear to be a glutton. He usually imitated his father, and since his father was a good ruler and a very decent role model, he grew up to be very well-mannered. At first, he found it cute, then it began to make him proud, and his praise helped make Ulrich want to strive to be better.

He was trained in horsemanship and swordfighting by the king's brother, James von Reichter. For lance-wielding, he turned to Gregor, a friend of the king. He rode atop his beloved steed, Windig. His main weapon that he enjoyed using was the sword. He had very good aim with a javelin, and, after lots of practice, hit the bullseye several times in a row. He soon became skilled enough to use bows, and trained with them, making sure not to neglect his training with the lance and the sword. He jousted many times with his fellow knights. Sometimes he won and sometimes he lost, but soon he found himself winning more as he became more skilled.

Windig died, and Ulrich took a new horse, Caspar. Caspar was a calmer horse than Windig. Whereas Windig would always be charging into battle, Caspar seemed to know when it was right to do something or just to hang back, from the tone of his master. Ulrich spent most of his free time atop Caspar, riding him and training for battles. The rest of his time was spent poring over the texts of St. Elimine, which he held close to his heart and abide by. He spent endless nights reading up on the old legends, and read stories of old heroes. When he grew of age, he took command of an army, leading several Ainori men to victory in battles that further unified Ainor.

During his command of part of the Ainori Army, he was looked after and had the last bit of his youthful training, under the young Grail Knight, Maddox Reinbecht. Training both himself and his men, he helped see the trust his father had in the young Colonel, at the time. The devotion and loyalty to Ainor gave him a stronger passion for his own self interests. Also, the beliefs shared by Maddox wedged into the young prince's thoughts.

On the battlefield, he seemed to feel more confident. Freer, and willing to fight for his people using spear rather than tongue. But times grew peaceful, and Ulrich grew restless. He knew that someday his father would pass on, but he didn't think he was ready, nor was he right for the job. One day, he donned some ordinary Hussar armour and rode off in silence.

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