Minar Moroso

From Storing Don


Vital Statistics

Nation: Artal

Rank: Front Man of Minar Moroso's Traveling Band of Bards

Age: 31

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 145 lbs


Minar is as showy and arrogant as anyone would expect a famous musician to be. He thinks little of any other violinist and most other musicians, although his disdain does not extend to the other members of the Band. He is a man who knows his station, and knows that that station is high. He is utterly cold and hard, caring nothing for anyone except the other members of the Band, who he has adopted as a surrogate family. He is extremely ambitious, hoping to become the most famous musician ever, as well as one of the most powerful casters alive. To this end, he will step on anyone and everyone's toes to get there. Everyone except the other Band members, of course.


Minar is of average height for the Artalians, and he appears like a wealthy merchant from that nation. He wears well-cut silk coats, usually in somber colors like black or navy blue. His shirt is always tipped with lace and made of pale silks, such as white or cream. He is skinny, although he always calls himself thin. He is dark, like most Artalians, but not near as dark as Lequallians, also like most Artalians. He has a pronounced hook nose, and deep set, sharp eyes that give him the look of a predatory bird.


Minar was born in the summer of 19AS, to minor merchants in a weak guild, one that was poised to be stamped out and taken over by a larger. His parents did the Artalian thing, and betrayed that guild by joining the larger before the takeover. As such, they were honored by their new guild, and business boomed thanks to the new association. The Moroso family quickly climbed in the ranks of social hierarchy, and the villa that Minar now possesses was bought by his father when Minar was twelve. During this time, he was taught to play the piano, like many merchant's children, and branched out to the violin and the flute. He was hopeless with the flute, but with the violin, Minar was a prodigy. Within five years, Minar was playing for the Guild's leaders. Within ten, he had played for all of the major Guildmasters, the only musician ever to do so.

Guiles Tuluthen, a legend in his own time, came to one of Minar's concerts. He approached the boy about teaching him some new tricks, and ecstatic about having the most famous violinist before or after the Sundering come to teach him, agreed on the spot. Guiles and Minar went to his family's villa, and Minar was taught the magic that lay inherent inside of music. Transcending the mere label of Bard, Minar became a Virtuoso, and quickly grew in skill and power under the watchful and talented eyes of Guiles Tuluthen.

Soon, Minar almost rivaled Guiles' skill with the violin, and the Ainori said farewell, leaving Artal and disappearing. Minar was stunned and a little brokenhearted - he had begun to see Guiles as a second father. Shortly afterwards, Minar's real father and mother were killed by henchmen hired by a rival guild. Furious, Minar used all of the contacts he had accumulated throughout the years to discover who had done it, and who had signed the order. Using his new magic, Minar slew all of them in one fell swoop. He fled back to his villa and barricaded it against the pursuing soldiers.

Minar began to play his violin for what he thought was the last time, and thunder boomed. Ignoring it, he continued to play, the most beautifully and skillfully he had ever played. Lightning ceased striking, indeed, the bolts seemed to rain. After ten minutes of playing, Minar began to wonder why no one had broken in yet. Peeking out the window, he found dozens of scorched bodies. Panicking, he destroyed the remnants and fled the country.

No one else was sent after him, and Minar began to calm down. Instead of fleeing from city to city, he began searching for other bards with his level of musicianship. Surprisingly, he found four other Virtuosos, all extremely talented and skilled. Minar used his reservoir of funds to attract them, and within a year, Minar Moroso's Traveling Band of Bards was created.

They put it about in the right circles that they were certainly not bards, indeed, skilled assassins who were available for purchase. They were hired by one of the Great Guilds, to eviscerate the leadership of the guild that had Minar's parents killed. Feeling that it was just, the Band arrived at the Guildhall, and began to play.

All Hell broke lose.

And Minar was happy.

Combat Statistics

Virtuoso 14 Rings: B Anima: A


To be determined after consultation with the Band

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