Matthew Shinderu

From Storing Don


Vital Statistics

Nation: Sons of Sand

Rank: Officer (Bedine Commander)

Age: 16

Height: 5'4

Weight: 117


Matt has a number of quirks about him, and when combined with his young age, it's a wonder he's become such a high-ranking individual. From cross-dressing to questionable sexual activity, Matt is definitely a unique person.

His general demeanor is all-around cheery and sociable, especially with those who he deems attractive, which happen to be members of both sexes. In fact, pissing him off takes a great deal of effort, even for someone as easily scorned as, say, Barney. Well, he does get depressed or angered, but he certainly never shows it, because being happier is just, well, better.


Matt has the general body shape and tone of a girl, albeit one with a flat chest and a penis. His face is boyish as well. But focusing on the feminine parts: Matt's hips, for one, are rather curvature. He lacks any belly bulge, and is rather devoid of large muscles, or fat for that matter. His height is also that of a girl's. His skin is very tanned from

His hair is quite long, and very unkempt, to say the least. His face, as aforementioned, does retain that of a boy's, though it is rather shotalike. Two virtually parallel sets of thin scars are set upon his face, giving him a slightly feral appearance. Another conspicuous feature is the red color in his eyes.

Now to Matt' clothes: As previously stated, he's a slight crossdresser. This refers to the black swordmaster outfit (with dark-teal designs, SoS's national color) he wears, one obviously geared towards women, as proven by the side-slit skirt (with no pants underneath) and feminine boots, also colored dark-teal.


Combat Statistics

Bedine (#5)

Weapon Levels: Swords {A}; Lances {C}


Matt excels in the use of curved, lightweight blades. He is one of the greatest swordsmen in all of the Sons of Sand, though that doesn't say too much, as the nation is predominantly magic-focused. He usually fights one-handed with one sword in his right hand, though he has trained some with two-handed swordfighting, and dueling with one blade in each hand, which is what he sometimes does with Defiler, a smaller sword. He could definitely use work with lancefighting, though he is still fast enough to best most with a lance.

Cruor Katti {A} - Mithril Fatal-curved Perfect-balanced Beastslaying Armorslaying Hand sword A katana, designed to inflict pain in the quickest way possible- multiple critical strikes. It is very efficient at striking vital areas of its targets.

Defiler {A} - Mithril Enchanted (Corrupting) Killer-curved Thin-bladed Short sword A kodachi (short-bladed katana) Matt had made by his favorite blacksmith, which was subsequently enchanted by members the Order of Below, which left runes inscribed on the blade's right. The flesh it tears quickly becomes defiled, hence the blade's name.

Aerospear {C} - Steel Enchanted (High-powered wind) Thin-tipped Spear A simple spear, enchanted to catch enemies off-guard.

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