Constance Vernai

From Storing Don


Vital Statistics

Name: Constance Vernai

Nation: Endal

Rank: Officer

Age: 21

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 105


Constance appears to be several years younger than she actually is, and her mannerisms are playful and endearing. At times, she may seem rather slow-witted, but it is important to understand that instead of acting quickly and irrationally to things, Constance would rather take the time to carefully examine a situation, and then approach the problem with subtlety and caution. Constance does not like confrontations, but as the current situation calls for, Constance has found that she has to force herself to react against her own nature. Certain situations in her life have molded Constance's current personality, and she makes a great effort to avoid the stereotypes, and create her own unique character. Her persona may be judged as being stubborn, immature and sensitive. She would admit that those assumptions would be correct, but there lies a deeper truth to the person Constance, and getting to know her truest essence would take an outsider time, patience and effort. In the end, however, they would find Constance to be a very special person, and they themselves would be better people for knowing her.

Because of her appearance and personality, Constance is the type of person a stranger can easily approach and befriend. She is very willing to lend an ear and a hand to anyone in need. An enemy may be led to believe that she is easily manipulated, but they would be very wrong in assuming so. They will come to find the tables turned on them by Constance's own cool and calculating control. Being so proficient in the art of blackmail is an element people would not expect Constance to possess; again, this comes from people making shallow judgments based on her looks and candid aura. In the end, Constance finds it very amusing to play off the false assumptions of others.


Constance has shoulder length brow hair and deep blue eyes. She still dons the customary garb of a fencer: a cape, dyed a powder blue, and a white tunic, but with more decorated armor. Now counted among the Hero class, Constance bears a small, round shield on her back and axe at her side. She wears thigh high gray boots, and silk, white gloves. And of course, she still carries her blade closely on her side. Still unaccustomed to the weight of all her new artillery, Constance can be found stumbling and trying to regain her balance as she patrols. This new position calls much respect to her, and Constance is finding it very hard to adjust.


Constance doesn't speak to often on her past. And what people know about it is all that she lets them know. Her real father died when she was young, and she was predominately raised by her mother. There was another man in her mother's life, which came onto the scene soon after Constance's father's death. She does not speak often of him, and never refers to him when talking of her family. Constance has an older brother, who had joined the ranks of the Emperor's army several years ago. Constance was very eager to follow in his footsteps, and as soon as she came of age, she left home and joined the military. Constance is working hard to be recognized by her superiors, and is training diligently to sharpen her fencing skills.

UPDATE: Constance was recently promoted by the former Emperor Veseromius de Montrierre. as an officer. It came from an encounter on the Endali training grounds, and apparently, the Emperor recognized within Constance the potential of an officer. She was promoted to a Hero, which went against the feminine grain of becoming a Paladin. Constance was then taken under the wing of General Lucretia, who sought to be a mentor to Constance and make her the best she could be.

Combat Statistics

Hero (#3)

Weapon Levels: Swords {B}, Axes {C}


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