Cedric Silvergale

From Storing Don


Vital Statistics


  • Nation: Endal (Formerly Tavrica)
  • Rank: Officer
  • Age: 32
  • Height: 5â��11"
  • Weight: Around 180 lbs


Cedric is... how would one put this? Cheerful, he keeps a smile on his face most of the time, mix it with a 'lazy' persona and you have Cedric in a nutshell to most people. Yet underneath is a very diligent officer and trustworthy ally. Though he always responds with a comment like he doesn�t want to yet will follow the orders down to the punctuation points. He uses the cheerful/lazy routine to trick enemies to seeing him as incompetent. Cedric is known to get bored relatively easily and jumps at any chance to change that, he drinks wine as a last resort.


His hair is of a lime green shade, very noticeable, short, and is usually found very messy. His eyes match his hair color, only of a darker tint, his face is usually plastered with a cheerful smile and a laidback expression, this is his usual look except during important events, his skin is a bit tan. His left ear has a gold stud within it. His build is slightly muscular, only some small unnoticeable scars seen.

Being new to Endal, Cedric wears the Endali colors on his attire. He wears a purple-red cotton shirt underneath some light armor, the armor is colored Endali's dark purple, with armor linings. He also wears a black cape made out of imported fabrics. Beneath that is a pair of plain beige pants and brown leather boots.


Born in Tavrica as the son of a Pegasus Knight, Cedric lived a relatively normal childhood. He was raised by his mother since his father had vanished soon after Cedric was born. Therefore he practiced his mother�s fighting style on a Pegasus, soon joining the Tavrican Air Force at the age of sixteen. It was only a few years later that his talent at riding a Pegasus was noticed by a noble family, the Silvergales, and was offered a seat into the family. His mother, wishing only the best for her son, consented to him staying with the Silvergales, though Cedric does visit her frequently. The Silvergale children were all beautiful women, to which Cedric was unphased since they were now technically his younger sisters.

It isn�t for another several years that Cedric is recently promoted into a Falcon Knight rather than Tavrica�s specialized Gryphon Knight. Cedric was often seen training with swords a lot more than lances, a weapon style �not suitable� for a Gryphon Knight. Then as a sort of gift to their ally Endal, Tavrica sent some of their aerial forces to Endal, Cedric being chosen to lead them. This was all but happened a month ago, the Falcon Knight now settled down in Endali territory watching life go by. All while serving the Empress and writing back to his families in Tavrica.

Combat Statistics

FalcoKnight (#5)

Weapon Levels: Swords - B, Lances - C


Blade of Silvergale

  • B-Rank Sword
  • Brave Keen Edged Iron Long Sword

Gale Naginata

  • C-Rank Lance
  • Steel Enchanted (Wind Conjuration) Sword Blade Lance

NOTE: He hasn't come to Endal yet.

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