Anastasia von Reichter

From Storing Don

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[edit] Vital Statistics

Name: Anastasia von Reichter

Former Nation: Ainor

Rank: Former Princess; Daughter of the King

Age: 21

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 119 lbs.

[edit] Personality:

She is calm, caring, loving, and timid. She loves her life of royalty, yet, Stein's sexuality and their soon-to-be forced marriage pressures the girl. What was once a life of luxury is now a nightmare. She cannot get her way anymore, and she enjoyed having her way. But she's not spoiled; she can adapt. She cares about others and is scared easily. Blood sometimes makes her queasy, but she wants to be a healer so that she can help people.

[edit] Appearance:

A beautiful young girl, with trailing dark reddish-brown hair falling down her back. Her face shows a radiant innocence and beauty; her eyes are as blue as the Ainori rivers. She possesses a fine body much like her mother's, and on it she wears a small pink blouse and a short white skirt with tight pants underneath for decency. Over her blouse is a red satin cape. Around her neck she wears a gold pendant with a red stone on it. Her horse is a young palomino named Zinger.

[edit] Biography:

Thought to be born the daughter of King Meinhard von Reichter and his Queen Griselda, in truth, she was actually the daughter of the king's brother James and the Queen of Ainor. She grew up in a world of luxury, and, unlike her brother, enjoyed it immensely. She'd dress herself in fancy clothes and go running up and down the hall, being silly with her brother, whom she started to form a tight bond with. She didn't get out much, preferring the enclosure of the castle, but loved to ride horses like many other Ainori people. But when her brother went out to war, she asked to join him. She wanted to heal his troops, not realising that they had plenty of healers. She sobbed when Ulrich said no, and it made her sometimes feel worthless.

She instead immersed herself in the art of healing, studying its roots and how to use it effectively. She would prove to her brother that she was worth something, and she would do it well. She stopped playing, devoting all her time to this, taking expensive lessons and studying in expensive books, then going out into the palace courtyard to seek out injured creatures and heal them. Saving their lives made her feel so good. She recalls a time when she found a dying bird and healed it completely, then picked it up and it could take flighty once again. It left her hand for the great blue sky.

Her father named Ulrich the Crown Prince and decreed this officially, then, mainly to settle a dispute, had her marry the son of the of the Duke of Aix-la-Chappele. His name was Stein; he had slicked-down black hair and an oddly almost perfect smile. But she didn't want him, because everything he wanted for her was between her legs. He made love to her several times, and there was nothing she could do about it.

[edit] Combat Statistics

Mage Knight (#1)

Weapon Levels: Staves {B}, Anima {C}

[edit] Weapons


Heilensie A healing staff. Healing - Full Heal +4 Rank: D Spell:If there is one

Hilfsmittel A staff made to cure ailments. Healing - Remedy +1, High Power +2 Rank: D Spell:Lassen Sie diese Person von ihrem Kummer noch einmal kuriert werden und das Gefühl, das kräftig ist.

Entriegelnsie A staff used to unlock doors. Offensive - Characteristic Rank: Spell:If there is one

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