Vigdis Isibel Kiuli

From Storing Don

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[edit] Vital Statistics

  • Nation: Vadal
  • Rank: Princess (Of Romkadi)
  • Age: 31
  • Height: 6'
  • Weight: 161 lbs.

[edit] Appearance


Of average Vadalian height, Vigdis is a little on the slender side. Her blond hair is about shoulder length save for a long small braid that runs down to her calves. Her face is, of course, painted in the Vadalian tradition, but has a striped pattern rather than the normal runic style. (More to go)

[edit] Personality

Vigdis has a generally tranquil persona, not very loud nor very violent. She enjoys reading books as well as walking around outside, commonly doing both such activities at the same time. Though well trained in both the use of the sword and especially in anima magic, she possess a modest personality despite her position.

While not generally reflecting them herself, Vigdis does know the way of her people well and tries to accommodate that as much as possible. Don't let appearances fool you into thinking she isn't just as hardy as any other Vadalian.

Vigdis is a careful thinker, preferring well thought out decisions over speedy ones, making her reliability as a leader in battle so-so, while in other issues her opinions are highly valued.

She doesn't think highly of her position so much as simply knows it is there and tries to perform it properly, as such she really doesn't care about her formal title, and won't mind simply being called by name. She's very well tempered and is hard to anger.

[edit] Biography

The Kiuli family is a line of mages specializing in ice spells, and secondarily in thunder. They've been ruling the Romkadi region since the formation of Vadal.

Vigdis was born the eldest of a total of two daughters and three sons, and as such was heir to Romkadi. With such expectations she was raised a bit, differently, form her more free brothers and sisters. Taught at an early age such things as rune reading and writing, the use of anima magic, ceremony, and etiquette. The use of a sword in combat was practiced as well, almost no Vadalian went through life without skill with a weapon. Rings and the use of music was also forced upon her but she in turn lacked in musical talent and never progressed far. She held a strong sense of duty for her position and took the lifestyle earnestly as she could.

This sheltered existence was eased by her siblings which had been able to do just about whatever they wished, with more social, outgoing lives. Those lives were brought to her when they would meet and hang out like a regular family.

Their father and Romkadi Prince at the time, Bresi Kiuli, died of illness and old age at 47, when Vigdis was 24. More than ready by then to take up the throne, Vigdis thusly took position as head of Romkadi. Her rather placid personality a fairly big transition for the more expected loud-mouthed Bresi.

Even now at 31 years of age, Vigdis has yet to marry in order to continue the Kiuli line, and concerned individuals are trying to change that.

[edit] Combat Statistics

Skald, Level 10

Weapon Levels:

  • Anima - S
  • Swords - B
  • Rings - E

[edit] Weapons

[edit] Anima

Iskaldur Uppruni(+11) Ice: Normal Power, Impact(+3), Wide Full(Burst) AOE(+4), Conjuration(+2), Delayed(+4), Extremely Heavy(-2) - Prf*S

A very large, very slowly forming spell that needs a fair deal of time to cast. A huge mass of water is collected in the air and frozen into a spiny, sea-urchin like shape, around 60 feet in diameter. All magical power is focused on gathering and shaping the ice, as the actual damage done by the spell is taken care of via gravity. Upon impact with the ground the mass of ice will explode in hundreds of ice shards that fly out form the impact center, as the conjuration effect means the ice is very real. Not something to cast anywhere near allied units.

Elesturik(+8) Thunder: High Power(+4), Artillery)+3), Unstable(+1) - A

A single, speedy lightning strike with a large range.

Iskeila+6) Ice: High Power(+4), Cone AOE(+3), Close Range(-2), Amalgamation-Thunder(+1) - B

Shards of electrically charged ice spray seemingly from the caster's hands in a fanning shape outwards. Anyone struck by a shard will receive and electrical discharge as well.

[edit] Swords

Kiulisvero(+6) Hand Sword: Mithril(+2), Runed(+3), Flamberge(+1), Basket Hilt(+0) - B

A sword handed down the Riuli family line, it's meant for emergency close ranged combat and for ceremonial uses.

[edit] Rings

Rebutek(+1) Defensive: Paean - E

A simple, calming song which eases the mind.

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