Fergal Bowen

From Storing Don

Revision as of 04:14, 15 September 2007 by (Talk)
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[edit] Vital Statistics

  • Nation: Tavrica
  • Rank: Officer
  • Age: 31
  • Height: 5’ 11”
  • Weight: ~180 lbs

[edit] Personality

[edit] Appearance

Duke Bowen is a normal sized man with shoulder length blond/brown hair and green eyes. He is very lithe and strong, able to pull back some of the heaviest of bows. He usually dresses in fine leather armor, even at home, which has been worn to a comfortable level of flexibility. He is the typical Tavrican, loving festivals and beer. His Ducal manse/fortress is a popular place for drinking parties in town as he will hold one if even one person wants to join him.

[edit] Biography

Becoming Duke only last month Bowen is slightly stressed. He had to learn how to be a Duke rather quickly as his father caught the flu and was deteriorating in health for the last five years. While a rather inexperienced political leader, Bowen is an excellent military commander and a top notch Hunter, something that his family needs. The Bowen family duty is to watch over the Schwarzwald, to keep any monsters from this dark cesspool of forest from affecting the behavior and form of the normal monsters of Tavrica. Bowen takes this duty very seriously and has an expert Hunter force equipped and patrolling the Schwarzwald’s border at all times. There has not been a Schwarzwald monster problem in many a year due to the Bowen family’s vigilance. Bowen is still learning the ins and outs of Ducal politics.

[edit] Combat Statistics


Weapon Levels: Bows - B; Lances - C

[edit] Weapons

Longbow: Recurve(+3), Tight Bowstring(+1), Whistling Arrows(+1), Keen Edge(+0), Steel(+1). (Total Weapon level 6)

Lance: Sword Blade(+1), Dual Heads(+1), Guard(+1), Steel(+1), Keen Edge(+1). (Total Weapon level 5)

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