Dreki Vargr Klasti

From Storing Don

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[edit] Vital Statistics

Nation: Illyria

Rank: General

Age: 27

Height: 5’11”

Weight: 155 lbs

[edit] Personality

While not cold in nature, Dreki is a very quiet person. He is niether welcoming nor unwelcoming of strangers, he meets friends and strangers alike with the same virtually non-existent greeting. While many take it as him being a recluse, he sees nothing wrong and in fact quite enjoys the company of others. Although, his very ambivalent nature has gotten him into ‘intersting situations’ with his superiors while in training. Another ‘side-effect’ of this nature is that he has little or no feeling in striking down a foe, or even wiping out whole armies and villages if ordered to do so.

Another of his personal idiosyncrosies is that he feels that if he is able to see something or think of something, that other people should have, and often wonders how they could not have seen that particular move, or that opening, etc. He is a quick analyzer, able to take in a whole map very quickly and reconstruct it in a short time, but he isn’t always a good conveyor of the things he has analyzed. And although this many times frustrates his superiors, they are always thankful for his input, as it usually turns out with quite satisfying results.

[edit] Appearance

Dreki (most call him Drek) has a dark look to him. He has short, jet-black hair a streak of silver running through the left side straight back. He always keeps his hair flat, which brings out his face. His skin is slightly tan in places that are more exposed, but overall a more pale presides. His eyes are a deep grey colour, with a piercing stare. His nose comes to a slight rounded-off point, and his mouth stays thin, but visible, so as to expose his more-than-usual (12 or so, instead of 4) canine teeth when he smiles.

The clothes he wears are rarely seen, for he is virtually always in armour of some sort, though he sports a light, white cloth outfit that goes underneath, so as to keep cool under the armour. The armour itself is no laughing matter. A customized version of the armour normally given to those of his class, the base colour is black. Though considered ‘light’ armour, it is quite sturdy, and plated all but in jointed places.

The gauntlets he wears are a stark-white contrast to the glistening black metal, and have metal claw-like extrusions from where the knuckles are. The accents on the armour are a deep violet, along with the short-length cape he ties around his back (which goes about to his waist). The helm is black all over, with violet plate-flaps hanging at the sides, and the helm itself gathers at a point near the back where a diamond inlaid with a black onyx gemstone in the center is fit. When worn, the only part of his face that is visible are his eyes, the rest being covered by the shining black metal.

Studded along the shoulders, knees, and elbows are pad-like attachments that were crafted from black dragon-scales, and the boots are adorned at the outer sides with charred dragon-bone which was carved to a point at the top, making dull black spikes that protrude outward just above the knee joints.

[edit] Biography

Dreki was raised in Illyria by a family that lived in good standing with Lady Adramelech, and whose father flew in the Illyrian ‘Air Force’ so-to-speak. His father flew as a scout near the coast, and was downed by a small rebellion force, and who has been ‘missing’ ever since. His mother, while not serving directly in the military, did much with making/designing the uniforms for Officers and Soldiers alike.

And so growing up around the military, it was virtually garaunteed that Dreki would be joining as well. And as soon as he was old enough, he enlisted as a member of the ‘Air Force’, and was able to work his way up to Officer Rank through connections and sheer ability. While he has never seen true ‘battle’ (skirmishes with rebels here and there, but nothing major), he had always been recognized for his tactical ability in the classroom, and his flight ability and proficiency with Lances and Axes in training.

Dreki’s mother passed away while he was in training school, and ever since he has been quiet unless necessary. He has no connections anymore, no parents, no siblings, and he has yet to marry. Though he was raised Illyrian, the purpose of living solely for self-indulgence and enjoyment always illuded him, so he has led a fairly dull life, in that sense. And it is likely because of this that he has yet to find a woman who will stay with him for more than a few days.

[edit] Combat Statistics

Overseer (#10)

Weapon Levels: Lances - A; Axes - B

[edit] Weapons

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