AP Japanese
From Stmargarets
AP Japanese is the biggest farce of a class to ever be held at St. Margaret's. What began with the magnificent Junko Randall as a class of students with a class average of 95 on every test, has deteriorated into nothing more than a joke, thanks to the resurfacing of Takako Izumi. Students in AP Japanese, except for recent additions such as Mao Takada and Christopher Gay, pretty much fail every assignment, quiz, and test, of course provided they turn in the assignment and didn't fake a college meeting in order to ditch a shi(t)ken.
AP Japanese is apparently responsible for contributing to Takako Izumi's stomach ULSOR [sic], and also the frequent nightmares she purports to experience while she slumbers. The class is also the site of the famed Pot-Breaking Scandal of November 2007.