Sonic Sez: Don't Do Stupid Things And Then Put Them On Youtube

From Sthfanstuffwiki

{Scene: A bedroom. Grounder is holding a camera and Scratch is banging his head against a bed frame}

GROUNDER: Come on, Scratch, just do one more!

SCRATCH: I can' hurts so bad...

GROUNDER: Use the back of your head!

SCRATCH: Oh, okay... {Hits his head} OW!!! OWW!!!!! OWWWW!!!!!!!!

{cut to Sonic watching Scratch hit his head on the bedframe on Youtube}

SONIC: {turns to camera} Remember, kids, only DumBots do stupid things and then put them on Youtube. And believe me, if you do, you're going to get made fun of! So don't post stupid things on Youtube! Sonic says! {fade out}

[edit] Fun Facts

This was based on a really stupid movie I saw on Youtube. Youtube code: re5XH9-3gHE Warning: S-Word I just thought that this would be good on a Sonic Sez parody. So, voila.

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