
From Sodawiki


[edit] Masses

A dot found at each end of each spring or alone. They are the only things in Sodaconstructor with mass. Masses have two subtypes: Fixed and Free. Fixed masses can only be moved by the user directly. Free masses can be moved by anything.

[edit] Springs

What holds the masses of a model together. Their physics are governed by Hooke's Law, as such, where l is the rest length of the spring and k is Hooke's constant (See Below )


For mass 1:

xv2 = xv1 + n * (x1 − x2)

yv2 = yv1 + n * (y1 − y2)

For mass 2:

xv2 = xv1 − n * (x1 − x2)

yv2 = yv1 − n * (y1 − y2)

Once created, a spring can not change restlength.

[edit] Muscles

A subdivision of springs, these expand and contract according to the Sine wave, by changing the rest length of the spring. (See Below )

[edit] Bar Springs

Another subset of springs, these are solid and masses will bounce off of them. However, masses and other springs will not. Crossed bar springs can lead to glitchy and useful results.

[edit] G

Gravity in the sodaplay applet. Every step, vertical velocity is incremented by the gravity, or decremented if reverse gravity is on.

It is between 0 and 4 in the xml file.

[edit] F

The friction coefficient. Each step, all mass speeds are multiplied by (1-f).

Its value is between 0 and 1.

[edit] K

Hooke's constant in the applet. It determines the "springiness" of springs.

[edit] Sine Wave

This wave determines the length of muscles. It changes every step, and its amplitude/ frequency/ speed can be adjusted easily. There are four lines on it that mark off quarters of the line.

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