
From Seedsofdawn


Physical Description:

  • Brown eyes
  • shoulder length brown hair.
  • Approximately 5'8"
  • Wears full plate with a sun and fist emblazoned on the chest (the logo of the crusaders)
  • Class: Paladin
  • Relations: Twin sister, Emi
  • Attractiveness: Moderate to pretty (cha 16)


  • Gwen is fairly quiet and reserved for a crusader. Most crusaders in the lands of light are very open with their beliefs and their 'suggestions for improvement' for those around them (at least in Gwen's opinion). But for Gwen, as long as no one's breaking any rules or hurting anyone, she prefers to leave well enough alone. She's a bit subservient to her sister.


  • Gwen and Emi are twins. Emi was born 'first', making her technically the older child.
  • Emi found that by strong arming her sister, or otherwise being loud, she generally got her way and her parent's resources while Gwen quietly kept to herself. They came from a family where it was encouraged to speak your mind and try to improve any situation you came upon so Emi was generally looked on as the better child. (Picture stereotypical paladin - her parents may even be crusaders).
  • When they were in their teens, their village was raided by the horselords and a small band of the horselords came to their house to rob them. Horselords won't kill people that just give over their stuff but their mother wouldn't let the horselords take a family sword and was killed for it. In her rage at her mother's death, Gwen killed the man who had killed their mother while Emi sat in shock. They enlisted in the crusaders shortly thereafter, and because Gwen was the one who killed someone out of vengeance she was enlisted into the paladin ranks while Emi was enlisted into the cleric ranks.
  • Gwen and Emi developed an inherent dislike of people who went around taking things that didn't belong to them as a result of the horselord invasion.
  • Emi found her calling as a cleric in the crusader army. Gwen didn't fit in quite as well, and often found herself on missions in far away lands as she raised hackles less of the time than her fellow crusaders. She also found it more comfortable away from them.
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