Project Vision

From Rpcvdraft

This is a place for Friends of Nigeria (FON) members to add their remembrances and stories to a collaborative history of the Peace Corps in Nigeria.

This is project is similar to making a stone soup. A wiki provides the vessel, somebody has already added some liquid and a stone. The real flavor will emerge from every bit which is added. That might be a couple of sentences added to a description, a page with an outline, a picture, perhaps a series of letters, or being a spell checker. If you can type with one finger, then you can help. Let your imaginations run wild!

In order to maintain some order on this site, only those who have applied to the site masters for a userid can update these pages. We will restrict those login IDs to Friends of Nigeria members. If you want to join Friends of Nigeria, go online to Friends of Nigeria Join up info or contact Peter Hansen at [1]

Initially we can not predict the themes or types of stories and facts which will emerge from the submissions. We expect both a wide variety of styles and different people helping each other in different ways as time and interest allows. We have started off with a framework of links which can be seen on the sitemap but what is there today, might look completely different in a year from now.

The entries logged here become public property, and may be used as raw material for a book about the Peace Corps in Nigeria. Let the sharing begin!

WikiFON History "You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 'Friends of Nigeria' group", started off with an observation and immediate feedback.

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