The Party

From Rom Com

The party is hosted by a friend of Nick and Hallie. They are the only two people there that they know, aside form the host, and they end up sitting apart from the rest of the people, talking. After a while, they decide to leave and end up at Rackham.

So, the teenage party is a huge movie cliche, which means we've got to do it justice. Or whatever. I can see several options for this:
1. Go to an actual teenage party and film parts of it, then just cut to a similar looking building where Hallie and Nick can be alone.
2. Film something like the outside of "OZ", which is a fucking ridiculous club btw, and then cut to what is ostensibly the "interior", where Hallie and Nick can be alone.
3. Fake a teenage party. This would be most difficult.
4. Or we could have it be a small party, but in order for it to be a believable small party, there would need to be probably blatant drug/alcohol abuse, dim lights, loud music, and promiscuity, all of which we'd have to fake, as there's no way we're going to be invited to a party like that with a camera.

At the party, they're both bored and slightly nervous, I would say, so they leave, but Dylan finally does arrive, as he promised Hallie previously he would try to do. Maybe he's been getting guiltier and guiltier as the evening progresses, worrying that she won't have been having fun. He might call her once, and at this point she's found Nick and maybe they've gotten pretty close, and she goes to the bathroom and Dylan calls her and he's all worried and guilty, and she's dissuading him from coming, because she has her own agenda by this point (and is also slightly drunk).

I'm coming over.

Close-to-medium shot of Dylan.


Medium shot of Hallie. She sounds reluctant. She hangs up the phone and slumps a little.
Medium shot of Dylan, looking at the phone in his hand apprehensively.

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