The End (Dylan and Aimee)

From Rom Com

In this scene, Dylan and Aimee are together watching "The Twilight Zone". At first it seems very platonic, but then Aimee slips her hand into Dylan's (or the other way around?).

INT. Dylan's apartment.

Medium shot. Aimee is sitting in front of the television, reclining on a vomit-colored couch. Camera pans to– Medium shot. Dylan blending a margarita. When the margarita is finished, Dylan takes out two glasses. Bird's eye view. Dylan pours margarita into the two glasses.


Medium shot. Dylan walks to couch, hands glass to Aimee, sits next to her.

Do you want me to give you the premises of several episodes and then you can choose which one we'll watch?

Camera pans to Aimee.


She looks at him warmly. Her tone is soothing.

Camera pans back to Dylan. He, meanwhile, is jubilant. He makes big gestures with his hands throughout the "Twilight Zone" premise discussion.

All right, well, on this compilation....

He scans the DVD box briefly–

My favorite episode is "Death Ship." The premise is that several men piloting a spacecraft come across an abandoned ship on a seemingly uninhabited planet. It's quite eery–

He pauses to glance up at Aimee. Their eyes meet. She is taking a sip of the drink.

How is it?

Oh, it's quite nice. Thanks.

Dylan focuses his attention back on the DVD box.

Let's see, the only episode that rivals "Death Ship" is "To Serve Man." And, I don't know, I think the episode is a little bit over-rated. I mean, the title, with its double meaning– "Oh! To Serve Man! It's not in man's best interest, because they are the next course on these alien's lunch menues! Ha ha! They misinterpreted the aliens' intentions. Ironic!" Didn't do anything for me.

Pan to: Aimee reaching out for the DVD box.

May I see it?

Oh, certainly.

He hands it to her.

She skims over the plot descriptions, and her eyes focus on one.

What about "The Howling Man?"

That's a tale of deception involving the devil. In it, the devil in human form keeps convincing unsuspecting mortals who capture him that he is not Satan, but a poor beggar mistaken for him. It's about...lying. We assume that people tell the truth; I mean that's the foundation of language. But really, who knows?

Dylan looks to Aimee and half-smiles.

But I prefer "Death Ship."

Far shot. Pan as Dylan walks to television and pops in disc. He turns the DVD player on. Then he turns it off–

Sorry. (mumbles) DVD player heating up....

He turns it on and off and on and off. Zoom in on his face. His expression is one of anguish and helplessness. Midway through this compulsion, he turns to Aimee. Their eyes meet for a few seconds. She doesn't nod. She doesn't laugh. She doesn't say "I realize that you have a problem." They look at each other, and Dylan senses she understands. Suddenly, he stops. The DVD player is on. He stands back from the TV and takes a seat next to Aimee.

Far shot. Aimee and Dylan sit next to one another. The first few seconds of the episode plays. At one point, Aimee turns to Dylan, and he looks at her affectionetly. They then both look at the TV. Ten seconds later, she slips her hand into Dylan's. He clasps it tightly.

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