
From Reydala

A Map Displaying the main Island of Elem.

Elem Townships:

Alliance With: Walstad

Friendly Toward: Kaltia, Nuln

Neutral Toward: Riscana, Tyren, Ohnben

Hostile Toward: None

No Contact With: Banato, Leyendra

The Elem townships were once a great Island nation whose navy was feared as the most powerful of Reydala, but after decades of war and civil strife, most of the mighty hulls of Elem have been scuttled. Originally a union of seperate counties like Kaltia, Elem was forced to merge into one nation in order to face it's dire problems. The greatest of which is impending bankruptcy: the great Navy of Elem was funded by a rich gold vein discovered in the Island mountains, but that deposit is now nearly depleted from years of overmining. A mostly farming nation, Elem has found itself without much else to export. Currently Elem is financially dependent on Walstad to care for it's people, a position the Proud Elemites are very resentful about. Still, The nation is scrambling to keep it's head above water.

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