Plan B

From Realspira

Plan B is the name of two respective places, the first being a bar in Shanghai, China. The second being a dormatory in South B at Grand Valley State University.

Plan B in Shanghai

Plan B was a bar owned by Canadians on Mao Ming Road and Huai Hu Road in downtown Shanghai. The group of students that Yuna and Rikku travelled with would often (sometimes nightly) visit Plan B and get smashingly drunk. Yuna and Rikku only got that drunk once on their trip and vowed to never get that drunk again, though they did visit the bar a few more times with the group to socialize and unwind. They have many good memories from that place. Auron also got drunk there once. He has two famous quote from that experience, the first being "Sssh, there's prostitutes downstairs, and they touch you and it feels funny" while the second is, "Look, a flower! It's so pretty! Now I understand how YUNA sees things!". The former is quoted more often than the latter.

Sadly, the Plan B in Shanghai is no more. They have gone out of business. :(

Plan B in Allendale

Named after the former bar in Shanghai, this Plan B is the nickname for the room in South B, neighbor and adjourning building to the Bikanel desert. Yuna, Kimahri, Wakka, and Paine currently reside there. This Plan B will also become no more once they graduate from college in 2007.

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