
From Realmofthemuse


Basic Character Information

+Name: Kate Lockley

+ Age: 29

+ Occupation: Formerly an LAPD homicide detective, currently a private detective.

+ Hobbies: For a long time, she didn't have much room for them; now, she likes to garden, and studies various things when the whim takes her. Her first passion will always be her job, but she's realised that can't be all there is.

+ Strengths:

+ Weaknesses:


In progress.

Relation to Canon

Kate is taken about six months post Epiphany, her last episode on the show. She's living in New York now as part of a private detective agency - the irony is not lost on her. She is open to roleplay in any era.


The woman has enough issues to fill a news stand, but she's slowly working on coming to terms with them - her grief, her bitterness, her loneliness. She's still awkward and ruthless and pragmatic, but she does care, and she can be friendly if she tries.

Just don't give her a reason to be cruel, because she's quite good at it.

The agency she ended up in was started by former cops who encountered the supernatural; for the first time she feels like there are people on her level that can understand, and it helps. She's not used to having friends anymore, but thanks to them she's getting there.

If you harm them, she might well shoot you.

Additional Information

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