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Martina Palmer
Character Journal: She's Kinda Like Fonzie
Race: Evolved Human
Home Planet: Earth, Calgary
Home Era: Modern/2007
Affiliated with: Random Canadians
Writer: Jenn

Martina was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta. That being said, she�s not a cowboy and she�s not exactly a Conservative.

Growing up, Marty had two loving parents, a mother that operated a sex toy shop, and a Dad who worked in the trades. They made good money and Marty was a spoiled little brat. Fast forward to high school and Martina was a bored spoiled brat who only wanted to read slash. It was at this point in time that she noticed a distinct lack of creativity in her peers, and decided she would become a New Democrat just to piss everyone off.

She then met her boyfriend Josh, and they did crazy teenage things like getting drunk and having sex in his basement. When they weren�t skipping and drinking, they were making fun of the zombie masses that inherited their school (with some smoking up behind the dumpster to get through Math).

Marty graduated high school in 2006, and her parents made her enrol at the University of Calgary. She hated it immensely and quickly dropped out after being on academic probation for 3 months. Being popular and well liked is not in your best interest. Let me be more clear; if you behave in a manner pleasing to most, then you are probably doing something wrong. The masses have never been arbiters of the sublime, and they often fail to recognize the truly great individual. Taking into account the public's regrettable lack of taste, it is incumbent upon you not to fit in. Janeane Garafalo


Martina is barely 20 years of age and completely at odds with her life. She has no real ambitions or real motivation. Currently she is enrolled at the University of Calgary as a full time student, but attends classes 50-70% of the time. Come next semester she will be on academic probation.

Martina is most commonly known as 'Marty' and generally refuses that anyone ever dare call her by her real name.

Marty has an ex-boyfriend who she will most likely end up dating again very very soon. It has been this way since high school.

Around the same time of the lunar eclipse, Marty discovered that she could 'wack' electronic devices to make them work. All that is explained here.

She's actually very immature for her age.

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