Kluver-Bucy syndrome

From Psy3242

Kluver-Bucy syndrome is a rare neurobehavioral disorder that occurs when there is bilateral damage to the medial temporal lobes in the brain. The syndrome is named for Heinrich Kluver and Paul Bucy, who attempted to determine its function by removing the temporal lobe bilaterally in rhesus monkeys. Kluver-Bucy syndrome can be characterized as one having oral tendencies (by putting things in their mouth), placidity (an absence of emotional response - being serene), and increased sexual activity. However, there was discovered different effects in monkeys and humans.

In Rhesus Monkeys


  • Oral tendencies: They would have a desire to explore everything examine their world with their mouths instead of their eyes
  • Hypersexualism: Their overt sexual behavior increased dramatically and the monkeys indulged in indiscriminate sexual behavior including masturbation, heterosexual and homosexual acts.
  • Emotional changes: The monkeys became less expressive in their face and vocalizations. There is also a loss of normal fear and anger responses. For example, even after being attacked by a snake, the monkey would willingly approach it again; these changes are connected to any lesion of the [[amygdala
  • Visual agnosia: Though the monkeys could see, they were unable to recognize even previously familiar objects, or their use

In Humans

People with a bilateral lesion in their temporal lobes show similar behaviors to the monkeys such as an oral tendency to explore, hypersexuality, and flattened emotions. In addition, other behaviors may include tactile exploratory behavior (socially inappropriate touching), bulimia, memory disorders, visual agnosia or prosopagnosia.

Aside from accidental damage, extensive bilateral temporal damage can arise from herpes, encephalitis, cardiovascular disease, and dementias of degenerative (Alzheimer's Disease) or post-traumatic origins. In general, the syndrome rarely develops in humans.

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