
From Popwiki


Join The Cause

You are not worthy to edit this wiki unless you are assigned a LP.


If you don't know what a LP is, I guess you should definitely go back to Wikipedia, SORRY! An LP is a long-playing recording album.


If you want a REAL LP to be a member of the wikiPOP Super Ninja Pirate team, all you gotta do is prove you gots what it takes to the all-wise and all-knowing Annoying Admin.

Yep RLY, you just ask the Annoying Admin

Legalise It!. pLS?

I promise, It's that easy... Soon, with your coveted LP in hand you may write and upload whatever you want, in the hopes that I, or any other admins deem your work funny enough to be 'BLACKLISTED' with a black backround.

Bad articles are the white trash that belongs on Uncylopedia, Encyclopedia Dramatica, and even Wikipedia itself :P. Nobody on wikiPOP likes white articles. NOBODY. And please note that other color page themes are in the works, so don't even ask..

If you are profoundly prolific or quite the cunning linguist I might just make you an admin and show you how to 'BLACKLIST' your own articles. This really saves me some time. You'd also get 4 sockpuppets to play with as an admin on my wiki...One for each finger on your typing hand. I don't want to know what the other hand is doing so don't even bother to tell me. Doesn't that sound like fun??? All I ask is that you think of them as your real and actual fingers - you misbehave, I cut it off!!!

AAAAnd. if any of you out there still think of me as some sort of wiki troll performing random acts of sock puppetry, then quit sniffing my fingers... because you REALLY don't know where they've been.

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