Placebo2009/Ad 3

From Place


Advertisement Three Script

[Scene: A teacher meeting room. Four English teachers are discussing Placebo 2009.]

TEACHER 1: Fellow English teachers...
TEACHER 2: Yeah, we know. Placebo 2009, right?
TEACHER 1: Yes. That show has become so popular that it's all the students think about!
TEACHER 4: Yeah! The quality of my students' essays has dropped nearly 70%! All they can write about is PLACEBO 2009!
TEACHER 2: And all they can talk about is PLACEBO 2009!
TEACHER 4: We need to get them thinking about English assignments again!
TEACHER 1: I know! Let's all schedule a major essay grade this Friday!
TEACHER 3: Why don't we ever take over the world?
TEACHER 1: We'll take over the world another day. Now we have papers to grade...
TEACHER 4: Mediocre papers, I might add! This one [holds up an essay with red marks] is full of errors!
TEACHER 3: We never get to take over the world...
TEACHER 1: Well, maybe once we get Placebo 2009 taken off the air... THEN we can take over the world!

[PLACEBO 2009 logo appears above head teacher, with the premiere date of the first episode below.]
[Narrator: Why write essays when you could watch PLACEBO 2009 on (date)?]
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