Pieman 4: At Dead's End

From Pieman 3

Pieman 4: At Dead's End, 2008, was rumored during a press conference with Ciaran Hosty on January 13 2008. Rumor also has it that co-producer, Chris Adams admitted to the film in the March edition of Times Magazine.

[edit] Plot

The following plot is what was mentioned by Chris Adams during an interview with Times magazine.

The film begins in the year 2012, and feuds between the United States and a Russian rebel group called the Лидеры (Clezchkovs) persist. The Clezchkovs want communism to be reinstated into the US, while the US wish to stay with Capitalism. The Clezchkovs decide that if the Americans do not accept communism, the Clezchkovs and Russia will destroy America and therefore inevitability the world. However, the only person that can save the world is Pieman, and he is recorded as dead, in the census records because of a car accident, two years earlier. Soon, the government find out that Pieman is indeed still alive, but living under a different name and working as a cop. The government must convince him to return to his old career in order to save the unfortunate fate of the world.

The plot is still a rumor and has not yet been confirmed by Ciaran Hosty Productions

[edit] Introduction of Marvel Comics

Chris Adams also rumored during his interview, that the new Pieman 4 movie could introduce character(s) as seen in Marvel Comics such as The Joker in order to develop a wider fan base. Chris Adams said "We already have a fan base of over 100 members, but now we are looking to go global".

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