Chat Logs/August 15, 2007

From Nick Bate Wiki

Hagurumon31 (6:03:35 PM): Hey?
IllNeedACrane (6:03:43 PM): hai!
IllNeedACrane (6:03:47 PM): RP?
Hagurumon31 (6:04:08 PM): I don't think I drank enough to do that yet.
IllNeedACrane (6:04:14 PM): O_o
Hagurumon31 (6:04:21 PM): Err...oh...wait...yeah. Yeah, RP. Yeah.
IllNeedACrane (6:04:39 PM): k.
IllNeedACrane (6:04:41 PM): XD
Hagurumon31 (6:04:48 PM): For a second there I could've sworn you were asking me if I was pissing.
Hagurumon31 (6:05:01 PM): Aaaaaanyway.
IllNeedACrane (6:05:07 PM):
Hagurumon31 (6:05:20 PM): I suppose I should grab the logs?
IllNeedACrane (6:05:43 PM): yup.
Hagurumon31 (6:05:46 PM): K.
Hagurumon31 (6:05:58 PM): *thinking* I'd like to grab HER logs...
Hagurumon31 (6:06:38 PM): Hagurumon31 (3:00:15 PM): CUTAWAY: *to Phil doing things*
IllNeedACrane (3:00:36 PM): PHIL: *watchin' tv, kinda mopily*
Hagurumon31 (3:00:57 PM): PHIL: This TV show sucks.
IllNeedACrane (3:01:24 PM): SHOW: *is about celebrities doing WACKY THINGS LOL*
Hagurumon31 (3:02:39 PM): PHIL: Dammit, Bill, nobody cares about pudding pops!
IllNeedACrane (3:03:24 PM): bbl
IllNeedACrane (3:03:29 PM): *huuuuuuuuuugloooooooooomp* 
IllNeedACrane (6:07:02 PM): JOEL: *randomly appears* HE DOES.
Hagurumon31 (6:07:30 PM): PHIL: AUGH! J...Joel! Stop popping up randomly!
IllNeedACrane (6:07:38 PM): JOEL: No. ^^
Hagurumon31 (6:08:56 PM): PHIL: Well, anyway, I heard you and Rya were tormenting the shippers.
IllNeedACrane (6:09:27 PM): JOEL: Well, mostly ME.
Hagurumon31 (6:10:08 PM): PHIL: Yeah. So, were they doing their usual thing, drawing pictures of me and Rya making out?
IllNeedACrane (6:10:56 PM): JOEL: Pretty much, yeah.
Hagurumon31 (6:11:33 PM): PHIL: Oh, I bet you enjoyed that, didn't you?
IllNeedACrane (6:11:53 PM): JOEL: Hell yes.
Hagurumon31 (6:13:29 PM): PHIL: Okay, whatever. Joel, didn't you go pick up the groceries I told you to get? I couldn't help but notice that the refrigerator is filled with nothing but oxygen and what appears to be a severed pelvis.
IllNeedACrane (6:14:37 PM): PHIL: ...You've reached a whole new level of idiocy.
Hagurumon31 (6:15:49 PM): JOEL: Yeah, well, you didn't touch that jar, did you? I need it for... an experiment.
JOEL: Not THAT kind of experiment. A science one.
PHIL: Shut up. What do you have against gay people, anyway?
IllNeedACrane (6:16:21 PM): (don't ask.)
Hagurumon31 (6:16:26 PM): (XDDDDDDDDDDD)
IllNeedACrane (6:16:57 PM): (it's from a stand-up routine my parents saw on tv.)
Hagurumon31 (6:17:04 PM): (......lemme guess, the gay person just happened to be nekkid at the time, and so was Joel, and he somehow landed on Joel's ass, penetrating his anus?)
Hagurumon31 (6:17:06 PM): (...oh)
IllNeedACrane (6:17:13 PM): (they were talking about homophobia.)
Hagurumon31 (6:17:23 PM): (Ah. XD)
IllNeedACrane (6:17:25 PM): (no.)
Hagurumon31 (6:17:35 PM): (That would be a hilarious scenario, though.)
IllNeedACrane (6:17:44 PM): (kinda icky though.)
Hagurumon31 (6:17:47 PM): PHIL:, riiiight.
Hagurumon31 (6:18:23 PM): PHIL: Go get the groceries. DO IT NOW.
JOEL: I burned the list. =)
Hagurumon31 (6:18:44 PM): (I still don't know why you hate anal sex so much. It's fun for the whole family. :p)
IllNeedACrane (6:18:54 PM): PHIL: *hit* *head* *on* *nonexistant* *keyboard*
Hagurumon31 (6:19:54 PM): JOEL: Heeeeeeey, we're not supposed to reference Strong Bad anymore. Not after we got sued over the prank call thing.
PHIL: Who said I was trying to reference Strong Bad?
JOEL: The HRWiki people. OH SNAP.
IllNeedACrane (6:20:23 PM): XD
IllNeedACrane (6:21:24 PM): PHIL: -_-
Hagurumon31 (6:22:03 PM): (One of these days you have to watch some anal porn. Analsexophobia makes me sad.)
IllNeedACrane (6:22:09 PM): (-_-)
Hagurumon31 (6:22:44 PM): JOEL: :D
PHIL:, I'll make up a new list. -_-
IllNeedACrane (6:24:06 PM): PHIL: *does so!*
Hagurumon31 (6:25:25 PM): JOEL: What the hell is this?
PHIL:'s the list.
JOEL: Why would we need to go BUY milk? That's what I invented my robot cow for!
IllNeedACrane (6:25:37 PM): PHIL: ...No. Just no.
Hagurumon31 (6:26:15 PM): JOEL: And ricecakes? Pfft...those are for gay people. And Asians.
PHIL: So now you hate Asians.
JOEL: Only the men.
IllNeedACrane (6:26:53 PM): XD
IllNeedACrane (6:27:01 PM): PHIL: ...-_- JUST GET THE GROCERIES
IllNeedACrane (6:27:05 PM): JOEL: Beer?
Hagurumon31 (6:27:43 PM): PHIL: HELL YEAH. But get everything else, too?
JOEL: Phil. Beer makes up like half of the whole list! You have it listed on here five times!
IllNeedACrane (6:27:59 PM): PHIL: IT'S THAT IMPORTANT. STFU.
Hagurumon31 (6:28:20 PM): JOEL: No, Phil, nothing can be more important than A1 steak sauce.
IllNeedACrane (6:29:00 PM): PHIL: BEER CAN! D:
Hagurumon31 (6:31:04 PM): JOEL: Oh, you poor poor person you. *looks at list* And, uh, let's see... eggs? Fuck that, the only people who eat eggs are gay people, and Rocky. And why're tampons on here? And dish liquid? Pfft. Yeah, like we REALLY wash our dishes before reusing them.
IllNeedACrane (6:32:59 PM): PHIL: ...There ARE girls in this house, Joel. The tampons are for THEM. -_-
Hagurumon31 (6:34:08 PM): JOEL: =/ Just let them bleed all over their pants.
PHIL: What the fuck is your problem today? If the FCC guys knew you're this offensive, they'd take over again!
IllNeedACrane (6:34:33 PM): PHIL: FINE I'LL GET THE GROCERIES MYSELF. *grabs list, storms off*
Hagurumon31 (6:36:02 PM): JOEL: Wow, this is great! More time for my other hilarious antics! ^^
IllNeedACrane (6:36:49 PM): JOEL: JESSICA! GET OVER HERE!
Hagurumon31 (6:37:50 PM): JESSICA: *gets over there* Yooooooooooooo!
IllNeedACrane (6:38:20 PM): JOEL: ...Sex!
Hagurumon31 (6:38:43 PM): JESSICA: OF WHAT VARIETY?!
IllNeedACrane (6:39:36 PM): JOEL: EVERY VARIETY.
JOEL: Oh, it's gonna be MORE than an hour. =]
IllNeedACrane (6:41:20 PM): MEANWHILE
IllNeedACrane (6:41:33 PM): RYA: *trying to pry the device out of her brain somehow*
IllNeedACrane (6:41:40 PM): JUNE: ...Rya, it's not gonna work.
Hagurumon31 (6:41:48 PM): (Figures, you cut away just when it gets to the action. XD)
IllNeedACrane (6:41:59 PM): (duh.)
Hagurumon31 (6:42:02 PM): RYA: There must be a way!
IllNeedACrane (6:42:38 PM): JUNE: It would probably involve splitting your head open and causing irreversible brain damage.
Hagurumon31 (6:43:26 PM): (But I was hoping for some kinda detailed sex scene, with like... fellatio... and anal sex... and then more fellatio...)
IllNeedACrane (6:43:51 PM): (no.)
IllNeedACrane (6:43:56 PM): (i refuse to.)
Hagurumon31 (6:44:24 PM): RYA: Well, maybe Joel has some kind of invention that... does something stupid that will allow me to pull it out without causing any damage...
Hagurumon31 (6:44:48 PM): (You are such a tease, you know that? ;p)
IllNeedACrane (6:45:11 PM): JUNE: He wouldn't. Trust me.
Hagurumon31 (6:45:38 PM): RYA: Weird. His stupidity is usually good for SOMETHING.
IllNeedACrane (6:46:41 PM): JUNE: Yeah, but he's also a sadistic asshole.
Hagurumon31 (6:47:22 PM): RYA: The fact that you talk that way about your own boyfriend is both amusing and shocking.
IllNeedACrane (6:48:25 PM): RYA: Why do you even go out with him?
IllNeedACrane (6:48:33 PM): JUNE: ...I' love with him. ._.
Hagurumon31 (6:49:11 PM): RYA: Yet you're well aware that he's a sadistic asshole? Are you bipolar or something?
IllNeedACrane (6:49:32 PM): JUNE: I wish I didn't love him, really/
IllNeedACrane (6:49:33 PM): .
Hagurumon31 (6:50:20 PM): (Maybe we should invent a Joel patch.)
Hagurumon31 (6:51:13 PM): RYA: There's no hope for you. *sigh* And there's no hope for me, either...
IllNeedACrane (6:51:23 PM): JUNE: eeeemoooo~
Hagurumon31 (6:51:30 PM): RYA: no u
IllNeedACrane (6:51:55 PM): JUNE: I have a REASON to complain!
Hagurumon31 (6:52:07 PM): RYA: And I don't?
Hagurumon31 (6:53:51 PM): RYA: At least YOU are human!
IllNeedACrane (6:54:40 PM): JUNE: Cyborg, actually.
Hagurumon31 (6:55:34 PM): RYA: Cyborg my ASS. You're just using that as a cover, aren't you?
IllNeedACrane (6:55:57 PM): JUNE: ...*lifts up sleeve, reveals metal arm*
IllNeedACrane (6:56:27 PM): JUNE: I said I was a robot a while ago, yeah. But...I just wanted attention.
Hagurumon31 (6:57:26 PM): RYA: *lifts up shirt, reveals metal ti-wait, no*
Hagurumon31 (6:57:39 PM): RYA: I see.
IllNeedACrane (6:58:07 PM): JUNE: *pulls up other sleeve* They're both like this. That's why I wear these things over 'em.
Hagurumon31 (6:58:23 PM): RYA: And you haven't really succeeded in getting attention, have you?
IllNeedACrane (6:59:07 PM): JUNE: No. ._.
Hagurumon31 (7:00:13 PM): RYA: Then why keep trying? o.O
IllNeedACrane (7:00:35 PM): JUNE: I...I just wanna be loved...*starts crying*
Hagurumon31 (7:01:31 PM): (Ummm... before I forget, and this is a completely serious question, but uh, do you mind if I jack off to mental images of you? I mean, my usual mental images are getting kind of boring and less sexy, so I need new material and all.)
Hagurumon31 (7:01:51 PM): RYA: Uh-huh. Well, it's not coming from this direction. I'm no lesbian.
IllNeedACrane (7:01:51 PM): (weird but whatever)
IllNeedACrane (7:02:11 PM): JUNE: I didn't mean it like THAT! I just want people to care about me...
IllNeedACrane (7:02:29 PM): (rya probably feels like that herself. she's not willing to admit it, though. XD)
Hagurumon31 (7:03:00 PM): (Only "probably"? She DEFINITELY does.)
Hagurumon31 (7:03:13 PM): ( mean I can?)
IllNeedACrane (7:03:21 PM): (sure.)
IllNeedACrane (7:03:23 PM): (yeah.)
Hagurumon31 (7:03:34 PM): (Thanks! You're the best. ^^)
Hagurumon31 (7:04:28 PM): RYA: You know, I'm not even entirely sure Joel cares about you that much... it seems more of a physical attraction to me- OH GOD I SOUND LIKE OUR FANBASE
IllNeedACrane (7:04:58 PM): JUNE: He cares about me...I know it. D:
Hagurumon31 (7:05:29 PM): (brb)
IllNeedACrane (7:05:44 PM): k
Hagurumon31 (7:15:59 PM): (Okay, I'm back, darlin'.)
IllNeedACrane (7:16:08 PM): (don't call me that.)
Hagurumon31 (7:16:52 PM): RYA: What aboot the time he threw you into a moshpit? You were in the hospital for nearly a month.
Hagurumon31 (7:17:11 PM): (is there anything I can call you?)
IllNeedACrane (7:17:19 PM): (mandy? anna?)
IllNeedACrane (7:17:42 PM): JUNE: He didn't mean it...and why are you talking like a Canadian?
IllNeedACrane (7:17:51 PM): (srsly nick, none of the characters say aboot)
Hagurumon31 (7:17:54 PM): (Ohh... I meant pet names, but... okay. D 
Hagurumon31 (7:18:07 PM): (oh, right.)
Hagurumon31 (7:18:11 PM): *about
Hagurumon31 (7:18:50 PM): (That time it was actually accidental. I must've developed an unconscious tendecy now.)
IllNeedACrane (7:19:08 PM): (ah.)
IllNeedACrane (7:19:22 PM): (ignore the canadian part then)
Hagurumon31 (7:19:27 PM): (k)
Hagurumon31 (7:20:11 PM): RYA: But he picked you up. And lifted you above his head. Which is surprising, because you've got to weigh at least fifty pounds.
IllNeedACrane (7:20:30 PM): XD
IllNeedACrane (7:20:57 PM): JUNE: Look, Rya, rock concerts are like that.
IllNeedACrane (7:21:13 PM): JUNE: AND I'M 79 POUNDS. >:
IllNeedACrane (7:21:19 PM): (get the reference?)
IllNeedACrane (7:21:25 PM): (*dork!*)
Hagurumon31 (7:21:45 PM): (.....uhhhh... no, I... don't think I do. D 
Hagurumon31 (7:23:59 PM): RYA: But the mosh pit was filled with what appeared to be drug dealers, bikers, and the Mafia.
IllNeedACrane (7:24:03 PM): (episode 79.)
IllNeedACrane (7:24:13 PM): JUNE: Like I said. Rock concerts are like that/
IllNeedACrane (7:24:13 PM): .
Hagurumon31 (7:24:18 PM): (ohhh)
Hagurumon31 (7:24:30 PM): RYA: IT WAS A POLKA CONCERT.
Hagurumon31 (7:24:50 PM): RYA: Anyway, help me figure out what to do about this thing in my head.
IllNeedACrane (7:26:09 PM): JUNE: ...Split it open and completely destroy your mind in the process?
IllNeedACrane (7:26:16 PM): RYA: NO.
Hagurumon31 (7:26:46 PM): RYA: Umm, I'm seeking a death-free approach.
IllNeedACrane (7:28:41 PM): JUNE: It wouldn't KILL you, you'd just never be the same again.
IllNeedACrane (7:29:11 PM): JUNE: You'd be a completely different person.
Hagurumon31 (7:29:58 PM): RYA: Yes, well, as much as I would love to be a different person, that would be horrible and you're giving me ideas. D:<
IllNeedACrane (7:31:22 PM): JUNE: No, I mean, you'd essentially cease to exist. You'd have the same body and all, but you wouldn't be YOU.
Hagurumon31 (7:32:11 PM): (Okay, so you mean, like, being brain-dead, in a vegitative state and stuff, right?)
IllNeedACrane (7:33:10 PM): (kinda.)
Hagurumon31 (7:33:14 PM): (K.)
IllNeedACrane (7:33:26 PM): (but more like having severe brain damage.)
Hagurumon31 (7:33:40 PM): RYA: So there's absolutely no way to do this without causing any permanent damage?
Hagurumon31 (7:33:50 PM): (Ah, okay. I know all aboot brain damage.)
IllNeedACrane (7:33:53 PM): (her entire PERSONALITY would be ruined.)
IllNeedACrane (7:34:01 PM): JUNE: No, not really.
Hagurumon31 (7:34:46 PM): RYA: DAMMIT. How am I supposed to just LIVE like this, always hearing Phil's thoughts and seeing his disturbing mental images of us making out?
IllNeedACrane (7:35:09 PM): JUNE: *shrug*
Hagurumon31 (7:35:52 PM): RYA: You're no help.
NOISES: *are coming from Joel's bedroom*
RYA: ...okay, wtf.
IllNeedACrane (7:36:23 PM): JUNE: OH GOD. HE'S CHEATING ON ME. *starts crying*
IllNeedACrane (7:36:42 PM): RYA: Um, he's been dating Jessica for MONTHS, you know...
Hagurumon31 (7:37:32 PM): JUNE: But I didn't know they were... gulp... HAVING SEX.
IllNeedACrane (7:38:06 PM): RYA: Of course they were.
Hagurumon31 (7:39:01 PM): JUNE: Oh God... D: Doesn't he get what he wants from me?
IllNeedACrane (7:39:18 PM): RYA: You have no boobs.
Hagurumon31 (7:40:25 PM): JUNE: So? They're still big enough for titfucking!
Hagurumon31 (7:41:47 PM): JUNE: Besides, men don't even care about boobs anymore. That's just in movies. Everyone knows that!
IllNeedACrane (7:41:47 PM): RYA: ...Not really. :/
IllNeedACrane (7:41:59 PM): RYA: ...No, they care.
Hagurumon31 (7:42:52 PM): (Hahaha, no, they really don't. :D )
IllNeedACrane (7:42:56 PM): (i do.)
Hagurumon31 (7:43:26 PM): JUNE: Well, whatever. Maybe I should get a boobjob...
Hagurumon31 (7:43:36 PM): (That's because you're not a guy. ^^)
IllNeedACrane (7:43:45 PM): RYA: Maybe.
Hagurumon31 (7:44:55 PM): JUNE: Dammit, if I can't fulfill his needs, why couldn't he just tell me?! ;_;
MORE NOISES: *still coming from Joel's bedroom* *sounds gooey*
IllNeedACrane (7:45:17 PM): JUNE: *begins sobbing hysterically*
Hagurumon31 (7:46:36 PM): RYA: I'm actually surprised he hasn't already told you to get implants.
IllNeedACrane (7:48:24 PM): JUNE: *too busy sobbing to answer*
Hagurumon31 (7:49:13 PM): RYA: Oh, suck it up! >:(
Hagurumon31 (7:49:43 PM): RYA: Though, if you did that more, maybe he wouldn't turn to Jessica for it.
JUNE: *cries even harder*
IllNeedACrane (7:50:18 PM): (did what?)
Hagurumon31 (7:50:43 PM): (Hagurumon31 (7:49:13 PM): RYA: Oh, suck it up! >:()
Hagurumon31 (7:50:53 PM): (it was a double-entendre)
Hagurumon31 (7:51:26 PM): (for I am the master of double-entendres. Maybe double-penetrations, too.)
IllNeedACrane (7:52:50 PM): (oh.)
IllNeedACrane (7:52:58 PM): RYA: Oh, come ON. -_-
Hagurumon31 (7:53:49 PM): (Hehe. You'd think you would be quicker to such things, having spent so much time listening to my perversion.)
Hagurumon31 (7:54:13 PM): JUNE: *still crying*
JUNE: *doesn't*
RYA: D:<
IllNeedACrane (7:54:20 PM): RYA: SHUT UP!
Hagurumon31 (7:54:40 PM): JUNE: *slows down a little* But... Joel.... he...
IllNeedACrane (7:54:52 PM): RYA: He couldn't care less about you.
Hagurumon31 (7:55:20 PM): JUNE: N-no... deep down inside... he loves me...
Hagurumon31 (7:56:39 PM): (XDDDDDDDDDDDDD)
IllNeedACrane (7:56:51 PM): RYA: Like I said. He's cheated on you, he ignores you, he's landed you in the hospital before...
Hagurumon31 (7:57:24 PM): JUNE: I'm sure that the fifth time was an accident, though, so that one doesn't count.
IllNeedACrane (7:57:39 PM): (what happened there, ya think?)
Hagurumon31 (7:58:08 PM): (Haha, I have no clue.)
IllNeedACrane (7:58:20 PM): (let's make something up!)
Hagurumon31 (7:58:39 PM): (Like what? Does it involve panties?)
IllNeedACrane (7:59:31 PM): brb
Hagurumon31 (7:59:42 PM): (k...)
IllNeedACrane (8:01:57 PM): back
IllNeedACrane (8:02:01 PM): (no.)
Hagurumon31 (8:02:16 PM): (aww, butt i liek pantees)
Hagurumon31 (8:02:26 PM): (What should it involve, then? :p)
IllNeedACrane (8:04:10 PM): (a cliff. XD)
Hagurumon31 (8:04:37 PM): (I just thought of something. What if it involved a gay guy?)
Hagurumon31 (8:04:54 PM): (Remember? 'Cause of Joel's homophobia and all. XD)
IllNeedACrane (8:05:10 PM): (ooh, explain. XD)
Hagurumon31 (8:05:45 PM): (Uhhh... maybe Joel... accidentally paid a gay guy to throw June off a cliff. I don't know, I suck at this kind of thing. XD)
IllNeedACrane (8:06:13 PM): (nah.)
Hagurumon31 (8:06:51 PM): (Uhhh... some gay guy... started hitting on Joel... and June got jealous.... and she got into a fight with the gay guy?)
IllNeedACrane (8:07:23 PM): (maybe they're having a romantic moment, just kinda sitting on the edge of the cliff, and he "accidentally" pushes her off. XD)
Hagurumon31 (8:07:31 PM): (XDDDDDDDDDDDD)
Hagurumon31 (8:08:07 PM): (Or maybe he pulled out one of her blood vessels during anal sex. *shifty*)
Hagurumon31 (8:08:16 PM): (You: NO. *slaps Nick*)
IllNeedACrane (8:08:31 PM): (NO. *slaps nick*)
Hagurumon31 (8:08:41 PM): (XDDDDDD)
Hagurumon31 (8:08:55 PM): (........where were you aiming?)
Hagurumon31 (8:09:33 PM): (Hah, I dunno, your idea was good enough.)
IllNeedACrane (8:10:21 PM): (yeah, let's use it.)
Hagurumon31 (8:10:28 PM): RYA: Geez, how many times have you been hospitalized? o.O
IllNeedACrane (8:10:48 PM): JUNE: *begins counting on robo-fingers* Uhhhhh...a fair few.
Hagurumon31 (8:11:49 PM): RYA: I was hospitalized a few times, myself. I still remember the time when there was nothing to know or to think about, except some retarded doctor trying to remove my non-existant tonsils.
IllNeedACrane (8:13:11 PM): XD
Hagurumon31 (8:13:24 PM): (let's get nekkid and hug!)
IllNeedACrane (8:13:26 PM): JUNE: You don't have ROBO-TONSILS! or anything?
IllNeedACrane (8:13:30 PM): (no.)
Hagurumon31 (8:13:41 PM): RYA: Nope, why would I need them?
IllNeedACrane (8:14:01 PM): JUNE: Good question. ^^
Hagurumon31 (8:14:42 PM): RYA: Yeah, Joel was too lazy to give me anything I wouldn't be needing.
Hagurumon31 (8:15:21 PM): (Or perhaps we could go by your "only one of us can be nekkid at a time" rule, and you could be nekkid and I could be clothed while hugging.)
IllNeedACrane (8:16:22 PM): (k.)
IllNeedACrane (8:16:41 PM): JUNE: ...Did you need a belly button?
IllNeedACrane (8:16:48 PM): RYA: Don't have one.
Hagurumon31 (8:17:05 PM): (I'm quoting you on that. >:D)
IllNeedACrane (8:17:15 PM): (she'd have to have an artificial one if she did. umbilical cords and all that.)
Hagurumon31 (8:17:39 PM): (Yeah, that's true, I guess... though Joel could just poke a hole in her stomach or something.)
IllNeedACrane (8:20:19 PM): (but she didn't NEED one. ;D)
Hagurumon31 (8:21:51 PM): JUNE: Wow, okay.
RYA: Yup, no appendix or anything like that.
Hagurumon31 (8:22:13 PM): (.....belly buttons are kinda sexy. Well, innies, anyway.)
IllNeedACrane (8:23:07 PM): JUNE: I see.
IllNeedACrane (8:23:22 PM): JUNE: Do you have any organs or anything?
IllNeedACrane (8:23:37 PM): RYA: Well, yeah. Heart, lungs, all that stuff.
Hagurumon31 (8:23:50 PM): RYA: Of course they're artificial, though.
IllNeedACrane (8:24:39 PM): RYA: And I have a BRAIN and everything.
Hagurumon31 (8:25:36 PM): JUNE: Lungs, eh? Reminds me of the good ol' days...
DOCTOR: You have cancer.
JUNE: 'Kay.
*cut back*
RYA: ...what the hell?
JUNE: *shrug*
IllNeedACrane (8:27:18 PM): XD
Hagurumon31 (8:28:15 PM): NOISES: *happen*
IllNeedACrane (8:28:21 PM): JUNE: OH GOD NO
Hagurumon31 (8:28:27 PM): (I wish I could make those kind of noises.)
Hagurumon31 (8:28:39 PM): RYA: Oh, here we go again. -_-
IllNeedACrane (8:29:12 PM): (I can kind of do the "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEINF EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEINF" noise.)
IllNeedACrane (8:29:52 PM): RYA: *slaps june*
Hagurumon31 (8:29:58 PM): ( it. Whenever you come over.)
IllNeedACrane (8:30:25 PM): (while air-humping an invisible mudkip plushie.)
Hagurumon31 (8:30:54 PM): (XDDDDD You could hump me. Just pretend I'm a Mudkip plushie. :D)
IllNeedACrane (8:30:59 PM): (no.)
Hagurumon31 (8:31:18 PM): (I like being humped by hot chicks... D 
Hagurumon31 (8:31:58 PM): JUNE: OW! Why would you do that?!
RYA: You're being a baby. -_-
IllNeedACrane (8:32:46 PM): JUNE: B-but...Joel...
Hagurumon31 (8:32:49 PM): (You know what makes a cool sound? Anal sex. While lubed-up. Well, which is really the only way you CAN have anal sex.)
Hagurumon31 (8:33:39 PM): RYA: Just ignore it if it bothers you!
IllNeedACrane (8:35:22 PM): JUNE: I CAN'T IGNORE IT! D: D: D:
Hagurumon31 (8:36:08 PM): RYA: Why not?!
IllNeedACrane (8:36:55 PM): JUNE: Because I love him...
Hagurumon31 (8:38:01 PM): RYA: *sigh* Then confront him about it. Burst into the room while they're having sex. I can guarantee it'll either humiliate or arouse him.
IllNeedACrane (8:38:22 PM): JUNE: Good idea. *runs off to do that*
Hagurumon31 (8:39:17 PM): *cut to Joel's room*
JOEL: *is buttfucking Jessica*
IllNeedACrane (8:40:08 PM): JUNE: *bursts in*
Hagurumon31 (8:40:22 PM): JOEL: Oh, hey June.
IllNeedACrane (8:42:09 PM): JUNE: BITCH!
Hagurumon31 (8:43:27 PM): JOEL: June, it's... it's not what it looks like.
JUNE: Well, it LOOKS like you're fucking Jessica!
JOEL: Well, uhh, we're not. We're... we're... I was just... Jessica got something stuck in her ass... and I was just trying to get it out for her.
IllNeedACrane (8:44:17 PM): JUNE: I KNOW the truth, Joel.
Hagurumon31 (8:45:03 PM): JOEL: But, uhhh, I got it out. *holds up a dildo* See? It's not stuck anymore.
IllNeedACrane (8:45:26 PM): JUNE: YOU put that there!
Hagurumon31 (8:45:48 PM): JOEL: I didn't! It... it was stuck in there!
IllNeedACrane (8:46:04 PM): JUNE: Don't lie to me, Joel!
Hagurumon31 (8:46:46 PM): JOEL: I... I'm not!
Hagurumon31 (8:47:55 PM): JOEL: Uhhhh, I'll... make it up to you, June. o_o;
IllNeedACrane (8:48:20 PM): JUNE: I...I just want you to love me again...T_T
Hagurumon31 (8:49:06 PM): JOEL: But I do! D: This is just sex... it means NOTHING to me! Well... actually... yes it does, but...
Hagurumon31 (8:49:09 PM): (gotta go)
Hagurumon31 (8:49:14 PM): (*huuuuuuuuuug*)
IllNeedACrane (8:49:42 PM): *huuuuuuuuuuuugloooooooooomp* <3
Hagurumon31 (8:49:54 PM): bye

vaet1J Major thanks for the blog post.Thanks Again.

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