Neopian Library:Write

From Neopian Library

Now with 1858 books in Neopia, I need the help of everybody I can get to send in stuff, credited of course. But how? Well, the first way is to put the book's content on a petpage and neomail rarehunter41[1] that it is there. If you have no free petpages, or are afraid someone will put it in the Neopian Times or other contest and take credit, you can send a private message to Hunter[2] on the Jellyneo forums or to rarehunter41 [3] on the NTWF containing the story. No matter how you submit it, I will show the story to the other editors and we vote on whether it deserves a spot on the database.

Now, you are probably wondering where to start. Well, if you wish to find something to write a story for, try Jellyneo's item database. I listed all the categories that books will be found under on the main page. (Some "scrolls" are Battledome weapons, so be careful!) Make sure to read the description and see the picture of the book. It doesn't matter if your story is the greatest piece of writing I have ever read, if it doesn't fit the book, I can't put it on here.

Format for submitting work on neopets

  • The subject should be Neopian Library-Book Title
  • Give a link to the petpage that the book is on.
  • Any other information relevant to the book

Format for submitting work on Jellyneo or the NTWF

  • The subject should be Neopian Library-Book Title
  • Put your neopets username at the top of the message if it isn't on your profile.
  • Have the book in the message.
  • Any other information relevant to the book

You could also help with Project News or Project Journal

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