Category:2.2 Age Money and Gender

From Nanya

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[edit] Introduction

[edit] Character Development

[edit] Races

[edit] Age, Money, and Gender

[edit] Age

To get the character's age the player wants to be equivalent to in human years, divide the race's life expectancy by 100 and multiply the equivalent by the number the player has chosen for a similar age. For Example: The player wants a character with the maturity of a 19 cycle-old human male. The race the player has chosen has a life expectancy of 297 cycles. The player will divide the race's life expectancy by 100 (making it 2.97) and multiplying that answer with 19 (2.97 x 19). The character's age will be 56.43, or let us just say the young age of 56 cycles old.

[edit] Money

When a character starts out, the amount of credits the character will have is 1d1000. This means that the 1d10 die will be rolled three times, each number representing a digit with three '0's being 1000 credits. [see 1.3.2. Dice Codes, ten-sided die.]

[edit] Gender

This is an easy choice. Unless specifications on a race list otherwise, there are only male and females.

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