
From My Wiki

The Chatterous application is aualtlcy quite simple. Unlike many other sites where it is required to provide an e-mail address or phone number to create an account, this is optional when signing up for Chatterous. All that is required is your full name, desired username and password. It seemed that this site is not particularly popular in the United States because the group that were available for joining were primarily Asian, although creating a group was extremely easy. The privacy option would make this application useful in the classroom because students would be able to chat with each other and the teacher in a secure chat room, whether it be formal or informal, such as asking questions of one another. This would be ideal in an elementary classroom because many students do not have Facebook so they could not Facebook chat. The application is also slightly more intricate than a Facebook chat. However, this site seems to be lacking popularity which may make it inadequate compared to other chat sites, such as Yahoo Messenger or Facebook chat. I give it four stars.

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